elite dangerous is currently free on epic store

It's been posted quite a few times since it went free on Thursday :p

Worth noting for anyone interested - you've only got until 3:59pm this coming Thursday to claim it.
I've now got it on three stores: Oculus, Steam and Epic.
i win... i have the non platform specific one on frontier too ;)

i need to check if this one is tied to all my others... apparnetly if it is you can contact FD who will unlink it for you (to allow you to have a complete restart without having to delete your primary commander)

as an aside i wonder what will happen to the oculus owners who want to upgrade to ED:0 next year?

ED:O will have large parts of the expansion not in VR so i cant imagine oculus keen to sell it on their store.
How's that going to work if you have to keep switching between VR and non VR? Will be a mess of a user experience. Surely walking around on planets is perfect for VR!

Preaching to the choir there mate, you do not need to convince me. There is a bit of a barely healed scab there.. if you are interested i can dig out the incredibly long thread arguing it - mostly against other non VR ED players saying VR doesnt work in 1st person (NMS, Doom3 and a huge number of othre games beg to differ) or that VR is a fad, no one want to play with a screen strapped to your head just sit closer to your monitor and use track ir for the same experience and other BS like that

FD got a lot of bad press on it so eventually they stated they will make sure all vehicle content works in VR...... the rest you will have a choice, take your headset off and it will switch to monitor automatically OR play on a big screen within VR.

full VR is NOT off the table for the rest of the content but its not at launch.... if you follow ED closely you will realise that "its something we are excited about and will look at but not at launch" does not tend to turn out well for those wanting that feature..... So i am not holding my breath.
Well im only just getting into this game. Completed the training missions last night is as far as Ive got. Not 100% sure what im supposed to do next.
stick with it, its clunky, unintitive and doesnt always work like it should......................................

but in VR nothing can touch it for making you feel like a space man. I love ED... as much as it has dissapointed me massively in the direction it has gone i still love it warts and all.

best bet to start off with is make sure you keep in the starter areas... if you find yourself getting trolled by othre players remember there is solo mode or private groups (not normally that much of an issue but with all these free accounts you can bet a lot of the Elite Dangerous griefer trolls will be using the account for throw away cmdrs to attack in te starter areas.

the missions offer easy money, with the starter sidewinder stick with data delivery or LEGAL planet outpost scan missions (you need an SRV (planet buggy) for those, and initially at least run dont fight. Also 1st thing to do is improve your frameshift drive so you can jump further. good luck, its worth sticking with

it is bettter to make your mistakes at the start so be prepared to lose some ships, it really does not matter in the cheap ships, just NERVER EVER fly without enough insurance to cover your rebuy or you can lose everything

as for what to do... its very open ended, there isnt a narrative really (i so with there was and keep hoping they will put one in)

the game is just about doing your own thing, buying new ships, upgrading them becoming elite in combat, exploration and trading but there isnt anything you HAVE to do....... itisnt for everyone but if you play in VR i would say that alone makes it worth spending time in.
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@bigmike20vt maybe you can help me with something. Im a bit confused about the interplanatary travel. The first mission I did required me to travel to a starbase, which I tried to do. I found the target, and engaged the warp drive thing, but then I hit a sun and started to overheat. After that I couldn't remember what the mission was supposed to be so I got lost.
you have 2 types of travel one for in system travel and one for hyperspace

if it is in the same system, then you just take on the mission then leave the startport / orbtal platform and on your left hand nav panel your destination should show up in blue. select that and once you are far enough away from where you left press J it will fire up your drive.. generally for starters you can fly straight to destination, , you will get a countdown on your distance, once it gets to 7 seconds make sure your throttle is in the blue zone.

when you are close enough it will come up on yourscreen to disengage, press J again.

get close to detination (7.5km) and in the left panel request docking and hopefully profit.

IF its in another system if it is 1 jump that is easy, if it is more than 1 jump you need to go into your galaxy map and select the system the mission is at and click select route....... you will have to play around here as i do it automatically and cant remember how i do it. the select route icon may be a double arrow pointing left and right but not sure.

take off, fly away from the starport, select the blue target, this time it will be a different system (will be a number of light years away rather than light seconds) once far enough away from the space station this time press H for hyperspace, you will jump, and then when you come out you will be heading to a sun, be ready to pull up to fly past it, then in your left panel select... nav panel i think it is look for blue makrer and select your destination.

by the sounds of it you got too close to the sun, this is ok you will be in normal space now, floating near the sun...... turn around and fly away from the sun, once you leave masslock and your drive has cooled own (after an emergency drop out your drive is offline for maybe a minute) then press J.

you will get a blue escape vector appear on your hud in front of you, aim for that wait for your drive to charge and cross fingers.... at this point your ship will likely overhead, dont panic, it sounds bad and lots of smoke but you can get pretty hot before you die. ignore the alarms, once you get to supercruise after a few seconds your ship will start to cool down, fly away from the sun, look in your left panel, target your blue destination and do as above........ it may be you have to make more than 1 jump, if you do, then your blue marker will not be your final destination but another system (it will be LY away not LS away), that is ok, press H and jump, this time being ready to dodge the sun.... hope you dont run out of fuel,

always refuel when you land, you may want to get a fuel scoop.

that sounds complicated, its actually easier to just do it, or watch a vid of somene doing it, there are lots of guides.

HTH and fly safe cmdr.
There is now also an autopilot you can buy for in-system travel. Makes it a lot less tedious.

honestly i would say dont use that..... not at 1st at any rate, better to make your mistakes early when destruction is cheap, than use all the crutches and end up with an expensive ship before you know the basics.....

imo it is good to understand how the game works and at least be ok at handling it before letting autopilot do it al lfor you.

just my 2p
honestly i would say dont use that..... not at 1st at any rate, better to make your mistakes early when destruction is cheap, than use all the crutches and end up with an expensive ship before you know the basics.....

imo it is good to understand how the game works and at least be ok at handling it before letting autopilot do it al lfor you.

just my 2p

Personally I hate the 'loop of shame' and actively having to manage your approach. It's good there are options on how you handle this now.
the rest you will have a choice, take your headset off and it will switch to monitor automatically OR play on a big screen within VR.
It's a bit like taking off your flight helmet, I suppose...

but in VR nothing can touch it for making you feel like a space man.
Oh, I dunno.... There's a VR Zero-G space survival/adventure one on Steam (forget the name) which is supposed to be amazing. Lots of people complaining/saying that Zero-G is nauseating as hell in VR until you figure out how to keep your brain oriented, but that this is supposedly what it's like for real anyway so very accurate...
It's a bit like taking off your flight helmet, I suppose...

Oh, I dunno.... There's a VR Zero-G space survival/adventure one on Steam (forget the name) which is supposed to be amazing. Lots of people complaining/saying that Zero-G is nauseating as hell in VR until you figure out how to keep your brain oriented, but that this is supposedly what it's like for real anyway so very accurate...

There's Mission ISS on the Rift and Quest, and Lone Echo if you want a proper spaceman fix.
Whats the difference between the frameshift drive and the hyperspace drive? Is a 'system' a sun and a set of planets, or is it multiple suns?

A solar system can encompass (and often does) multiple suns, sometimes each with their own sets of planets and moons.

Frameshift drive is used for interplanetary travel.
Hyperspace is used to travel between solar systems.
I played elite way back when, when it originally came out.

The only games I've played thus far in VR are with the controllers. I'm in the process of downloading it. What control inputs are people generally using with this ?
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