No not at all, the majority of the player base don't want much of the original game content to change. They are risk averse to pvp do not like surpise content and are so against change it is scary.
Honestly, the biggest mistake FDEV made was allowing a group mode and solo mode that all affected the online open game play by way of Community goals and power play.
The forum community in ED are so against PVP that any instance of "non consensual" and spontaneous pvp is looked upon as griefing...
They want to basically play the game without any threat of being destroyed and will resort to mountains of tears and sperging on the forums when FDEV supports this kind of pvp.
The game is supposed to be an open ended sandbox blaze your own trail but the community is absolute...lty awful.
There are large groups of 10k plus players moving away from online open play to private player groups to completely avoid potential hostile player interaction despite having the tools to avoid it which takes away from the game because they dont want to be someone elses content.
FDEV have provided a funnel for these people to AVOID learning and getting good at the game from player interaction and experiance be it hostile or not by allowing private group play.
The biggest mistake they ever made was having a private group mode.
Utter ********, if you want pvp in this game then don't expect much.
Just a bunch of whineing carebears who have NO IDEA how lucky they have it.
Eve is a truely hardcore sandbox but its not first person which is the only downside as a lot of people prefer this. I played Eve online for 10 years and I can only praise the game, Elite while beautiful and fun on the basic level when you try to move into the finer aspects of the game you see how glaringly bad/boring it is.
No it is not an MMO... the player base do not want player transfers/alliances/group conflict or interaction/player trading... all the things that make an MMO, hell they do not even want players to have wings to fly in now that it was implemented.
A pathetic community honestly just read their forums its like reading a space version of mumsnet.
What a load of rubbish, I'm glad they're not listening to the likes of you, that's not what Elite is or has ever been about, go back to EvE with your attitude and stay there thanks.