Elite dangerous vs EvE?

Comparing Elite Dangerous and Eve is a little like comparing Chivalry with Crusader Kings, completely different games but with a vaguely similar topic but both good in their own way.

I no longer play Elite, not because I dislike it but for two reasons really. Firstly I felt anytime I tried to pirate the risk versus reward was simply insanely balanced against me although I could do it, I was always better off by a factor of 3 or 4 by playing legitimately for the same length of time. This meant that's what I did, like most other players and the universe got a little less exciting. I didn't want t constantly pirate but when the opportunity came up there really was no good reason to do it at all..

Secondly I'd played too much of Star Citizen alpha and couldn't get use to the different flight mechanics in Elite when popping back into it, that's not saying anything against Elite just that I'm a bit of a simpleton :D
Agree, the only thing they have in common is there set in SPACE.

As for PVP sure if you are the aggressor it needs to be 300% more difficult for you and all the advantage needs to be with the defender and if you are successful the only place you should be allowed to DOCK is a Anarchy system, pay triple the price for everything and as soon as you set foot inside law abiding space you are highlighted as a griefing scumbag and everyone within system gets a message telling them such 10mins after you have warped in.
Agree, the only thing they have in common is there set in SPACE.

As for PVP sure if you are the aggressor it needs to be 300% more difficult for you and all the advantage needs to be with the defender and if you are successful the only place you should be allowed to DOCK is a Anarchy system, pay triple the price for everything and as soon as you set foot inside law abiding space you are highlighted as a griefing scumbag and everyone within system gets a message telling them such 10mins after you have warped in.

And there's the problem. You have two completely polarised, incompatible views on how the game should play, flinging the same insults around, unable to even attempt to understand the other viewpoint.

Tbh I think they could do a lot worse than launch a new, subscription based server-client universe tailored and rebalanced for PvP play.
Tbh I think they could do a lot worse than launch a new, subscription based server-client universe tailored and rebalanced for PvP play.

Exactly this, it'd mean easier implementation of player owned territory and infrastructure too.
And there's the problem. You have two completely polarised, incompatible views on how the game should play, flinging the same insults around, unable to even attempt to understand the other viewpoint.

Tbh I think they could do a lot worse than launch a new, subscription based server-client universe tailored and rebalanced for PvP play.

Not really,

There should be PVP however it should not be on the terms of the aggressor. Simple put there are ZERO consequences for inflicting misery on people who are law abiding.
The bounty system in ED used to be a lot harsher than it is now. Bounties on you would come out of your own pocket when someone claimed it, you got no insurance while wanted and the bounty would grow the longer you had it. But it got chipped away because the "pvp" crowd cried like mad that it was to hard. Ironic, isn't it.

IMO they should go back to it.
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Kickstartered at a very high level.
Played a lot but not played since powerplay.

ED looks immense, they did an amazing job, that said, planetary landings, drones, bits and bobs. It's nothing like Elite. A zx spectrum gave me more immersion. There's no unknown with ED, it's implied with canisters, again bits and bobs. Trading, looks great till you see that even if you do revert to the old way of notepad and pen it's gonna take a while since they expanded everything, after all this time, this bells and whistles they can't give an in game UI that does this? FS.
Thargoids yet to be seen, no thread, in fact no direction, no story, just more features (to come TM).

ED is nothing like Elite, yeah, there I said it.
Not really,

There should be PVP however it should not be on the terms of the aggressor. Simple put there are ZERO consequences for inflicting misery on people who are law abiding.

And you totally prove the point. Because you start from the viewpoint that engaging another player is a negative act....'inflicting misery'.

You've got one band of people that want to play Space Truck Simulator and are horrified at the thought of anyone setting them back in their progress towards that bigger ship.

You've got another band of people that want a game that has an element of risk and meaningful player interactions, and aren't scared of risking their ship to get it.

Same old division, same old arguments since back in Alpha. They really should split the game up and tailor two different experiences for two very different audiences.
I'd buy ED if it had decent PvP but a PvE space game sounds kinda boring. I normally tend to play on PvE servers when playing MMORPGs but I'm thinking I might start moving more into PvP at least it gives you something extra to do when you get bored of the PvE game.

I might even re-sub to EVE. Not sure I have the money at the moment though.
I played Eve for a month and even that was a struggle to keep playing. I have been playing Elite Dangerous for a week now and am already getting bored. Neither have a storyline and are both just sandbox games with little point to them apart from earning enough credits for the next best ship up the ladder. Needless to say I doubt if I will be playing ED for much longer either. I expect No man's Sky to be more of the same.
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And you totally prove the point. Because you start from the viewpoint that engaging another player is a negative act....'inflicting misery'.

You've got one band of people that want to play Space Truck Simulator and are horrified at the thought of anyone setting them back in their progress towards that bigger ship.

You've got another band of people that want a game that has an element of risk and meaningful player interactions, and aren't scared of risking their ship to get it.

Same old division, same old arguments since back in Alpha. They really should split the game up and tailor two different experiences for two very different audiences.

Really, Elite has never been about PVP always been a PVE game since the BBC I am old enough to remember playing it on the BBC etc.

The same old argument happens that PVP use every single underhand exploit, glitch MAX min builds that the game becomes boring. Every MMPORG that has pandered to the PVP crowd is living proof.
The same old argument happens that PVP use every single underhand exploit, glitch MAX min builds that the game becomes boring. Every MMPORG that has pandered to the PVP crowd is living proof.

That's what put me off Eve in the end, not the actual PvP, but the exploiting every little bug and glitch to give an advantage. Truth is Allnamestaken and his ilk don't want a fair fight, they want a victim. And they throw a wobbly if they can't have one.
That's what put me off Eve in the end, not the actual PvP, but the exploiting every little bug and glitch to give an advantage. Truth is Allnamestaken and his ilk don't want a fair fight, they want a victim. And they throw a wobbly if they can't have one.

Your generalisation and assumption comes from blissful ignorance.

I barely touched pvp in Elite, its not my flavour its too unstructured.

I like to be the underdog in PVP and in Eve that use to mean fighting out numbered we are talking 5 maybe a max of 10 pilots fighting against a fleet of 30+ in home territory using skill and the cockyness of the enemy fleets numbers against them.

I don't go for easy kills, this is not to say I don't enjoy tears but risk and reward do an amazing thing for any game. In eve we risked very well fit and expensive ships to get the reward of pulling off fights that people would think impossible.

You assume that we are all the same "griefers" who like to kill unarmed civilians in there trade ships in open in the middle of a CG....... (which btw is like walking through a warzone in Syria shouting I am American).

Pvp's are not all griefers, griefing is killing newbs on station in Elite causing players to be blown up by system defence by suicide low hp ships into them so they get flagged as criminals or invading private pve groups like mobious. That is griefing, catching a trader in a back alleyway with 1 million in cargo I wish to liberate is pirating not griefing.

Open your eyes a little bit.
Comparing Elite to EVE is like comparing push bikes and cars.

EVE is more deep game, player driven the huge big part of it, humongous in size, where you can do what ever you like.
Combat? From missions in empire, to wormholes to low sec piracy to null sec political involvement in HUGE battles.
Trade? To empire, low sec, null sec what ever you can make agreements with various organizations to supply them with goods.
Manufacturing? Science, research & development? Whole game on their own those parts.

And is not point and click if you do not fly some behemoth for a ship. Ceptors, AFs and everything small, have to play clever and actually pilot the game (with point and click all time) to avoid getting blasted by the big but slow tracking guns, of Battleships or bigger.
Comparing Elite to EVE is like comparing push bikes and cars.

EVE is more deep game, player driven the huge big part of it, humongous in size, where you can do what ever you like.
Combat? From missions in empire, to wormholes to low sec piracy to null sec political involvement in HUGE battles.
Trade? To empire, low sec, null sec what ever you can make agreements with various organizations to supply them with goods.
Manufacturing? Science, research & development? Whole game on their own those parts.

And is not point and click if you do not fly some behemoth for a ship. Ceptors, AFs and everything small, have to play clever and actually pilot the game (with point and click all time) to avoid getting blasted by the big but slow tracking guns, of Battleships or bigger.

In eve you don't really fly anything..
The utopian version of eve vanished in the first few years.

Since around 06 onwards, it's been a decline in to entirely the meta game.

Funny thing is, eve in the early days was populated much by the 30/40 somethings of the mild-mannered innocent nature that I see of the majority of backers of elite.

Frontier would do well to keep a lid on things and retain those people, because if they leave, chances are it becomes another eve... a game with so little soul.
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