Elite force 2 worth playing?

Fun game. If you liked the first one then I recommend you pick it up.

It didn't offer anything new to the genre or Star Trek lore but there really are worse ways to spend your time.
yeah its a fun game, im playing through it again right now, most of the star-trek related stuff in the game is very authentic at least, though the story is abit...strange :p
I completed it a few months ago - reasonable FPS as long as you don't let the first level put you off. The storyline is OK and performance very good in 1600x1200 16xAF max settings.

Only downside for me was that in places it hints at some almost Deus Ex style 'RPG' elements such as when you are walking around the academy/ship talking to people etc. But it never really follows through, sadly - I thought there was the potential for something more there.

There are better Q3 engine shooters from the same time period, however, such as Call of Duty and Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy.
Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy.

THis is one hell of a good game multiplayer , get 5 or 6 mates host a server and let the fun commence.

a lot of the online servers are completely full of idiots that think they are RL jedis and want to duel you 1 at a time.

THere is nothing funnyier than 6 mates, 6 lightsabres, full force powers and this game.

Ive spent hours force pushing people off cliffs, catwalks and anything high enough to make a good crunch.

Force grip aswell, lol.

a must for any FPS and star wars fan.

Weve had people crying with laughter on ventrilo playing this. Damn im going to have to reinstall it if i can find the CDs.
HangTime said:
There are better Q3 engine shooters from the same time period, however, such as Call of Duty and Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy.
I never knew Call of Duty was using the Q3 engine!!!
great single player but appalling multiplayer, massive let down for all us in EF community back then.
I thought it was a cracking game, i never finished it like, got to the level where your on that hot lava, and them spiders keep coming up, and that guy blags you from that glass room at the top, and you have to keep trying to pop him off when the glass lifts up, about all i can remeber from that bit, i remember putting it on a while ago to see how it ran on the x1800, **** me it was blistering maxed everything. :D

Remember being on that ship, and you had to line up the electricity or something, bit like a pipes game. :D
Yep, the bit you describe is right at the end of the game. It's pretty easy really as you just have to fire that stupidly powerful gun up at the window when it opens up. There's loads of ammo/health replenisher things around so you can keep stocked up.

The pipes games were strangely good fun, there was one that I swore was impossible until I fully understood how the crossroads pieces worked! :)
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