Email Addresses

It doesnt matter wether its info@company or details@company or whatever, they can all get spam just the same. If you list your Email address on a site or in the source code of the site, its sitll possible to recieve spam.

The best thing to do to get rid of spam, is use your companys Email address, for example [email protected], and have it coming into an Email client such as Thunderbird or outlook express. If you use an Email client to recieve your Emails you can filter out certain things that you don't want to recieve.
Another method would be to have for example a gmail account setup, this way if someone sends an email to [email protected] you can set it to automatically send to your gmail account, which offers spam protection and filters.

Is that the answers you where after?
shifty_uk said:
Is that the answers you where after?

Sorry, I know why you answered the way you did. I re-read my post back and wish I had done that first!! :eek: :D

What I meant was, what is the best email address to use, so that any emails sent to their clients don't get bounced as Spam by their email client or ISP?
ah i get what youre asking...

to answer this you have to understand how spam blockers work. they essentially look at a lot of things (not just the email address) i.e. specific words in the subject heading or the main body of the email.

the email address isnt that important as long as its short and easy to remember (without lots of random characters) you or rather he should be fine. remember that the name you choose should reflect its use especially if youre using descriptive aliases as youve suggested :)

(info@ to give out information; enquiries@ to answer specific queries and so on)
AndyBorzi said:
What I meant was, what is the best email address to use, so that any emails sent to their clients don't get bounced as Spam by their email client or ISP?
There be no difference, just use the standard addresses like sales@, enquiries@ - details@ is also vague :)
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