Email - did google mess with IMAP email access. ?

1 Mar 2010
I use Thunderbird to access gmail account, for sending (smtp), and receiving (IMAP)

Yesterday I found I couldn't send email, saw cookies disabled message below right.

Per my long term setup, my Google account listed thunderbird as an insecure device accessing account,
I removed it, thinking it would just re-add, and everything would be fine, but, that didn't work.

Searching on web found this
Gmail on Thunderbird Enable Cookie Problem Solution
so I tried adding as a cookie exception, at which point, on starting tbird, I now get a google login window, but,
after providing password, tbird fails to acccess(imap) the gmail mail, and I just get a spinning/waiting icon.

Has anyone else had this problem ? my other settings are shown

Looks like google planned a change 1April .... but say they are now stopping it
Turning off less secure app access to G Suite accounts
December 16, 2019
March 30, 2020: We have suspended the turn-off detailed here until further notice. We'll announce new timelines on the G Suite Updates blog at a later date. For more details, see this post.

I'll try setting up 2FA instead with google,
but since I live somewhere with unreliable mobile coverage, have to get some backup codes

I'll then try app passwords, to authorise thunderbird

I need to get a hardware authorization key ...ubikey/titan can they be had at reasonable price ?
can you explain what you

the key was using googles app passwords for thunderbird . eg.

BUT you have to enable two factor access/2FA on your account to be able to do that afaik,
which means if you want to log into google in a browser, you''ll need another authorisation code delivered via text, or,
but its more complex, via authenticator app.

I didn't really want to have to use 2FA (since I'm hygienic) but it is a necessary evil, to continue to use thunderbird,
but I don't log into my google account much, anyway, in a browser, only when trying to fix email problems, or acccess other disposable gmail accounts.
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