Email only host for personal domain

30 Dec 2003

I am considering purchasing a domain which I intend (at least initially) to only use for personal email addresses of my family and I. Can anybody recommend the best (cheapest?) way to do so? I was hoping I could just use Google Mail giving easy web-based access and a familiar user interface though this does seem to have a monthly fee...

Is there a good free option? If not, what are the best hosts for an email only package for a small number (certainly less than 5 for the moment) of mailboxes? (Though it'd be nice if I could have a few email address all pointed to a single mailboxes counting against my mailbox limit only once).

Hosting my own email is not an option.

Thank you very much! :)
30 Dec 2003
Thanks for the reply. Roundcube might not be the end of the world... Are there any cheaper options for a basic hosting service that just so happens to come with features (website hosting) that I would not use? At the moment I probably only need two mailboxes but I must say even £2.50/user/month = £60/year + the domain cost is probably a bit more than I was hoping for what is nothing more than a personal email address. In the future if that rises to (say) 5 users we're talking £150/year + the domain cost which starts to become a little excessive for my needs.

Clearly I've undervalued this and might need to reconsider! Thanks :)
30 Dec 2003
Thanks for the responses.

Immediately after posting my last message (and before checking back!) I actually ended up picking up a domain through namecheap - I spoke to their LiveChat and ended up getting what (I think...) is a good price. I ended up paying a smidge under £120 (actual price was in USD) for 10 year registration of a .me domain including WhoisGuard for the duration.

I since tried to set up mail hosting using Zoho (free!) which was going swimmingly until I decided to enable two-factor authentication. It didn't ask me for my phone number and now I cannot log in (presumably it's trying to send a code to ??? number). What had been a very productive day has ended very frustratingly. Hopefully I'll be able to get it unlocked tomorrow when their support opens. Even if they are happy to close all accounts on that domain and let me re-configure that would be fine but I imagine this will be rather difficult, given the point of TFA.

We'll see... It looks like I might end up needing one of those other hosts after all...
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