Email Signature Image help please :)

7 May 2009
Hi, I am creating an email signature and wanted to know how to make multiple parts of it clickable, the image below will make it easier to explain, I want the social media buttons to be clickable in the signature, is this possible?

I have attached a sample of a signature with the buttons which I want to be clickable, don't be jealous of my paint skills please :p


Thank you
You'd have to create a separate image to make that bit only a link

Edit: Just realised you meant an email sig, thought you were on about a forum one, sorry :P
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Shouldn't be a problem. If the sig is one big image, you just need to create slices. Can be done in Photoshop with the slice tool.

If the sig has text and images you can use a table to keep the images separate to the text.
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As above, create a table and add the image.

Been doing these at work all week and a method I found easy was to create the signature as you want it in Word (make a table and put everything in seperate cells)

Then save it as Rich Text Format AND .htm (web page-filtered). Then you can use Dreamweaver or a similar software to directly edit your HTML and add links etc

Word of advice, don't use Imgur to host your images. I found they lag when trying to load them. (May just be my connection but worth noting)

Hope this helps!
I done this in work before but as an image map.

I just found a website online that pretty much done it for me, it was a few months ago now and I can't remember the exact site :( but try a few and see what does it.
Thanks for the replies guy, the sig is just one image that I created in photoshop so I will try the slices options and look for the image map too, thanks a lot, I shall update the thread later :)
You can create a HTML e-mail signature. So basically make a mini webpage and then you can have all your independent 'little' images clickable.
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