emails at work?

16 Feb 2010
Hythe South East
Hi guys, I'm not able to get onto my emails at work the site is blocked...its googlemail.

I desperately need to check for an email is there a way i can get around this without getting in trouble at work?

If it's blocked it probably is blocked for a reason and you'll get in bother for circumventing that.

If you've got a smartphone with a browser can you use that?
Go out at lunchtime to an internet cafe? If it's blocked anything you do will get you in bother such as proxy sites etc.

think my wife was able to get in via iGoogle or something similar, don't know as I've never used googlemail.
Charge your blackberry? Use a wireless network nearby? Use a proxy site? Ask work if you can be allowed access as it's important?
yeah I suppose going around the IT team wouldnt be a good idea especially since I'm trying to get into that dept right now:p
Blackberry's do use mini usb chargers

I'll change sig....itw as the smallest fot possible?
is it possible for work to know if you are using a proxy site?

Yes of course it is. If they use surfcontrol then they will no doubt have proxy sites added to the block list and as soon as you try to connect to them it will flag it up.

It all depends on what software they are using, but at customer sites we go to if they have surf control enabled then they also have the block proxy sites option enabled too.
i work for the Southampton city council and we have a larger filtering system...

My top tips

1. get a smart phone and keep a charger at work
2. buy a 3g dongle and use it on your personal equipment (i bring my own laptop to work most days)

Don't do what my mate did and used a proxy avoidance app that gave him access to the world wide web and then the job centre!
Using a 3g dongle on a work pc is also the same thing

it seems like nothing, but you are bridging a secure network with an unfiltered internet connection which is most cases is grounds for sacking
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They fired one of the young kids at my place for using a 3g dongle.

Id have fired him for using facebook at work but breaching network security looks better on the paperwork.

That said him being an idiot is whats made our new policies so strict and helped get OCUK forums added to our blocked list the little toad.
all computer and internet forums are now blocked.
All media files are now banned.
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