Emails on more than one device

2 Oct 2007
Can anyone tell me if there is a way to have email on my PC and iPad to function as below, please?

  1. If I send/receive on the PC I get mail.
  2. Having "just" sent/received on the PC no mail available to iPad
  3. If I send/receive on the iPad "first" mail must still be downloadable to the PC.

Does that make sense? If I get to the iPad first and collect mail I want it to be available to the PC as well if I chose to collect it later. If however I collect on the PC first, I do not want repeats on the PC..

I have a lot of folders and i do not want the folders to be on the iPad as the screen gets cluttered.

Thank you:confused::)
I have iCloud on both my PC and iPad but am currently not using it.

Am currently set up using normal pop3 accounts supplied by

Am using Office 2013 Business Edition.
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You could just do this without forwarding, unless I'm missing a special requirement you could just use IMAP? Even better if you can get push?

The folders in the Mail app will appear at the bottom after all the main mailboxes, so you'd probably be OK just having those on the iPad (though I have no idea how well it handles a huge number of folders).
Hmmm interesting. I will try some different methods as suggested and see what happens. Thanks everyone. I will post back my findings.
OK i have given up. What I want is not achievable without a paid for service.

iCloud was a partial disaster. I have around 100 folders in my inbox all but three disappear when iCloud is used. The syncing between devices was also one way. Deleting on the PC, saw the disappearance from the iPad but not the other way around.

Anyway back to where i was. Will simply have to conclude i am too fussy. :D

Thanks to all that helped.
Just setup all your email accounts on each device to be accessed via IMAP.

I have two hotmail accounts, and a couple of others including one that runs off my own domain/mail server.

Folders are kept online (i.e. Hotmail or own mail server) and the views on each device (iPad, iPhone, iMac) just refresh the correct view.

Therefore if I send an email from my Mac it will show in the sent folders on phone/ipad, alternatively if I mark messages are read/unread on one device they show the same on all others.
+1 for IMAP. I thought IMAP would provide the experience that OP is requesting out of the box. i really like the iPad IMAP implementation, it keep the refresh with the back end perfect, unlike my Android or WP8 mail clients.
I don't understand why iCloud would come into it anyway. And the email service isn't great.

Frankly the only reason you may not want to use Mail at all is if you are using a Gmail account (purely because you can ruin quite a few things if you don't know how it all works). For everything else, it's great.
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