Embedded MP3 player

18 Oct 2002
I'm designing a website for a friend of mine and he wants to put some of his audio on the site with an audio player, i tried to hotlink the myspace one but it didn't last long before it stopped working and i can't seem to find anything which is anywhere near as good, or free.

Does anyone have any suggestions?
I've got that one working but i don't want the slim version, trouble is i can't seem to see the non-slim version on that site anywhere!!!
Oh, i've managed to get hold of the fullsize .swf for the xspf player, it works VERY well, thanks :D
Thats the slim version still, all i did was link to the player on their site and right click > save target as :)
Isn't it the url thats parsed to the player, does it have an &autplay bit in it or something along those lines?
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