emeek77 / Applesoldier (The Ultimate Mac fanboy)

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Deleted member 651465

Deleted member 651465

Hey all,

If you're not familiar with this joker I'd advise checking out his YouTube channel and/or website. It's hilarious.

A bit of background.. He's a redneck with too much time on his hands, who likes to spout crap about the Windows platform, and shoot down all those who dare oppose his views using the medium of internet video.

Not only does he never bring a factual argument but you can see he paints himself in to corners when he's speaking :D

Just thought I'd post some links. I'll warn you.. once you start you'll be hooked on the videos. Especially when you watch the "response" videos also on YouTube where he gets royalled "Pwn3d".

YouTube: Videos contain swearing
Website: http://www.finalcutstudioschool.com/FinalCutStudioSchool/Mac_vs_Pc/Mac_vs_Pc.html
His videos are laughable, his followers even more so which seem to consist of acne ridden teenagers who take his word lke its the word of god. Sad thing is his arguments have been thrown back in his face and debunked countless times. His favourite response to those is to ignore the response and go make another semi retarded video.

Amusing thing is he once banged on about piracy and how mac users aren't pirates and pc users are, then made a video about dvd's he ripped from netflix and downloaded from torrent sites.

One of his best vids had to be one where he was encouraging mac users to physically attack pc users "do it for me, do it for steve". This guys supposed to be 31 years old and has the mindset of a 12 year old on some form of crack.

Also check out this vid

Videos contain swearing

There was a youtube account that cropped up a while back called "macunderground", featuring a slowed down voice, someone sped the voice up and lo and behold whos voice it turned out to be, he's denying it was him to this day.
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His videos are strangely addictive, the fact he's an idiot is not in doubt. I still have problems believing his claimed age.
My favourite quote is

Eric Meek said:
"A friend of mine tried to transfer photos from a camera to a Vista laptop.. OHHHHHHHH a Vista laptop!... not only did it rename the photos but it didn't even ask her! You're always going to have duplicates so it's...it's... anyway up pops some crappy wordy dialog box"
A classic example of not knowing where he's going with a point before opening his mouth. Point being, if you had a photo with the name DSC0001 then it's ALWAYS going to rename the file (e.g. DSC0001(2)) rather than replace it (regardless of OS) :rolleyes:

There is a guy on YouTube called Zenn3k who frequently rubbishes his every claim. They're worth checking out if you find the emeek77 videos funny :D

31? :eek: Acts like a 15 year old.
The funniest one was when he 'owned a Windows fanboy'. Can't link to it because it is full of swearing, but he gets so angry in the video trying to prove that Windows is crap he just makes a fool of himself. It's hilarious.
Is that on his youtube channel at all? Don't think I've watched that one :D
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Just watched the main video on his profile (Mac vs PC- The Emeek77 Show-New Rants for 2009), and although he raises a few somewhat interesting points, it's his reasoning and logic behind them that completely fails. Even when he's proved wrong on his videos (like the Windows 7 one: "They're trying to sell you stuff, look") he just keeps going on about it.

Ah well, funny nonetheless.
First one to respond to him via video and get him to reply, wins! Go on...

There's a video on his channel where a albeit dumb Windows user tries to put down OS X because Ctrl+C/V won't copy and paste and he goes mental, pausing the video every 2 seconds to **** him off. I think it's the only video where his message is actually true, but the comical *play...1...2.....pause...insult....1..2.* nature of the video makes it seem "wrong" somehow.

Made me laugh out loud.
:) I use to watch his videos, but he was such a fanboi I had to unsubscribe from him.

Check out "thecreativeone", I enjoy his videos... hes a mac fanboy, but not like emeek.
Seriously people like this man (?) are the reason why mac users are hated everywhere.
He just gives everyone who's ever owned a mac a bad name, in fact I might have to sell mine now out of fear of being bundled in with that ******* loon.
Amusing reading soe of the responses he's getting, the majority are calling him an inbred hillbilly that has a fondness for steve jobs plums. Most of the rest are telling him to go **** himself. :D

Unusual as he usually has his little band of angsty tards to back him up, think they knew there were vastly outnumbered this time and have stayed well away.

Anyone think that hat makes him look like even more of an idiot?

Boinkmakr (3 hours ago) We should sterilize the entire South and put people that speak like emeek into camps.
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