Emergency Help... Mac in danger!

18 Apr 2004
My mac is in danger of being destroyed, for some unknown reason after leaving it asleep it shut down whilst I was out today. :confused:

Now its on every time I switch from one app to another it hides all apps but the one switched too, its very annoying and I do not know what I have changed to make it do this...

Any ideas on fixing this would be appreciated! :)
SOLOUTION FOUND: It was only the dock doing the hiding, some how single app mode was on, in ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.dock then set or delete singleapp to 0. Go to terminal type sudo killall Dock and type your password when asked. The dock will reload and your done, if you don't have admin access then logout and back on again.
Leopard, no idea how it happened, I mean I have been the culprit for being an idiot and changing plists then forgetting until later wondering one time why my mac would not let me turn it off, com.apple.finder I believe had some kind of kiosk mode enabled but never have i had problems which i hadn't caused, an unknown app must have done it.
Hmm, still pondering on if it was me that did it, I duno how though, I don't know of any thing I installed until after I noticed the issue which could cause this.
Messing with plists didnt cause this, but I have had to in the past for one of two reasons, developing software or trying to get different features which arent enabled by default, although yes EVH not messing with plists is a very good idea.
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