!Emergency! power supply replacement for a Corsair HX Series HX650 80+ Gold

24 Jul 2004
Several powercuts over the weekend have destroyed my PSU. I last built a PC about 5 years ago so most of the components I used can no longer be sourced.
I previously had a Corsair HX Series HX650 80+ Gold which is no longer available. I specifically need 8+ sata connectors.

Budget is £30-70 (cheaper if possible!)

(I had a look at the popular EVGA PSUs but they're either too expensive or only have 6 connectors).

Hopefully I can get this sorted before the weekend!



Looks like it may not be the Corsair HX Series HX650 but potentially a Be Quiet! CM BQT L8-630W. I've said it posts further down I'm a bit confused as to which it is because I ordered 3 PCs in quick succession. Either way, the main thing is that it's not used for gaming and the the more sata connectors the better.
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What about some sata splitter cables?
Could work yes. I need to speak to the person this is for really so am trying to figure out exactly how many sata connector he needs. It's either 5 or 8 but now you've mentioned the splitters I have a feeling he might be using one or two.

So could potentially get away with a PSU with as little as 5 I guess.
I either installed the Be Quiet! CM BQT L8-630W or Corsair HX Series HX650 80+ Gold - that's what I see on my old receipts but can't remember which one is in my PC and which is in his.

Am at work so can't check :(
Noticeably over budget but probably one of the best PSUs available at the minute - I'm sure you can appreciate, you get what you pay for, and cheap PSUs are largely a false economy (The fact this has a 10 Year warranty goes some way to showing the confidence Seasonic have in their product)

The 650W version has 8x SATA connectors, although bear in mind, depending on what case/how the drives are mounted, you cannot always make use of all the connectors as the cable may need to be twisted, or be too short between drives etc.
The 550W is probably a better option and use some additional molex->sata adapters.

My basket at Overclockers UK:

Total: £191.04
(includes shipping: £11.10)

Noticeably over budget but probably one of the best PSUs available at the minute - I'm sure you can appreciate, you get what you pay for, and cheap PSUs are largely a false economy (The fact this has a 10 Year warranty goes some way to showing the confidence Seasonic have in their product)

The 650W version has 8x SATA connectors, although bear in mind, depending on what case/how the drives are mounted, you cannot always make use of all the connectors as the cable may need to be twisted, or be too short between drives etc.
The 550W is probably a better option and use some additional molex->sata adapters.

My basket at Overclockers UK:

Total: £191.04
(includes shipping: £11.10)

Thank you.
the main thing is that it's not used for gaming and the the more sata connectors the better.
So unless it's some dual-CPU workstation it won't need that much power and normal power draw isn't that high.
Which needs to be taken into account in sizing if wanting to stay at good efficiency.
Though highest end PSUs pull crazy efficiency numbers down to well below 10% load.

The 650W version has 8x SATA connectors, although bear in mind, depending on what case/how the drives are mounted, you cannot always make use of all the connectors as the cable may need to be twisted, or be too short between drives etc.
It's very likely that not all connectors can be used and that splitter or two are needed in any case.
With good old time sleeved cables last connector of cable was lined with direction of wires allowing to put it into some drive in between others...
But now with that non-colour coded black ribbon garbage fashion excrement also that last connector is angled/perpendicular.
(and flat cable flexes well only in one direction/plane)
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