Emojicons for your UK iPhone without jailbreaking

Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
#1. Get this $0.99 app called frostyplace from the iTunes store
#2. Play with the app for a minute to activate, click on a story, etc
#3. Go into you settings -> General > International > Keyboards > Japanese
#4. Click the Emoji option to on!
#5. Text anyone with an iPhone and they’ll get your icons!

Done this myself the other day, so cool, usually I hate smileys, but with a lack of firmware updates giving us new features lately, I'll take anything I can get

And some of the smileys you can send are awesome :p About 100 in total
Nope because the Emoji option only appears after you download this app and attempt to read one of the stories
Yeah the steaming poo is good, theres about 200 different icons to send in total and they're all really good quality, not just thing's thrown together

I think its fantastic especially as I know a few people with iPhones as well as being able to use them on Twinkle etc
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