Empire Total War Question

24 May 2009
North East
Hey all, quick question as I've started playing this through after getting it in a sale.

I'm playing the British and I'm focusing on the colonies, smashed all the Indian tribes and I've destroyed the few big French armies on the continent so just mopping them up.

My question is, I got the mission from the thirteen colonies to capture New France (done) Quebec (done) Cherokee (done) and Georgia. The issue is whilst I was mopping everyone up the colonies stole Georgia and I cannot capture it now to complete the mission.

If I conquer it will they still join me (the mission states I have to remain friendly with th until completion) or am I stuck? Or alternatively should I just smash and conquer all the colonies and stop being nice to them?

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I just started again as I had no way round it.

I also installed the 4 seasons per turn mod to give extra campaign time, 13 years in (54 turns) it crashed on Spain's AI turn and the save is now corrupt when I was back where I was before (with Georgia this time) and an army about to march on French territories :(:mad:

FUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!! Complete waste of time!
I must admit to it probably already being my favourite TW title despite only logging about 9 hours to date.

Most probably the period but love it, it's the first of the newer incarnations I've played though with decentralised regions so still wrapping my head around the economy right now.
Any good money making tips?

I'm always struggling to make money I end up getting around 2k a turn which is complete dog **** especially if I'm embroiled in a war as it just (barely) keeps my armies running.

I upgrade all the buildings asap, I don't over tax so I get growth, I max out trade lanes perhaps the only area I don't hugely exploit are the trade theatres but that's only because I find that early game no one has cleared out the pirate fleets and by the time they are gone the lanes go faster than I can pick up.
I'm loving it.

Started (again) as the British and quickly captured Georgia with a force from the Windies and I was transporting an army I've from Europe when the Iriquios took New York so quickly snatched that and another Iriquios territory so very quickly got North America in hand. Take a few turns to polish off the Native Americans then I'll plot my takeover of the French territories, hopefully without a crash this time! :p
Crushed France in North America, couldn't shift them from Montreal lost 3 battles then I grew a brain, sailed an army up the river and stole terribly defended Quebec which made the 13 colonies join me and their additional troops tipped the balance. :)

They still hold New Foundland but I'm in no rush as they have no real force and on top of that I've been warmongering for so long I'm instead going to scale the North American army back and fix my economy before I decide to either go for central/southern America or India.
Thought I would completely smash the Maratha after moving in 3 huge stacks I took 3 regions straight away but their armies are huge. After about 20 turns I've only managed to take 4 more colonies but im kind of hoping I've broke them after a 5 stack vs 5 stack mammoth battle I won to take a holdout region that had beaten 3 of my armies in the past. That combined with my 1000 troop army defeating over 2000 then the remaining 600 holding a fort against 1500 stopped their northern counter attack.

I ended up going from making 2k a turn to around 15-20k after I took the southern Americas from Rebels who took over when the United provinces folded. Make insane amounts from gold/gems/spices.

Love this game!
I think any of the modes are easy once you break the back of it with a faction, same with all TW games the difficulty is only in getting solidly established and pretty much the whole series when you get on top you inevitably snowball.
Well I've discovered a slight problem with the 4 turn mod. I've "won" in that I've locked down the victory conditions. Nothing left in the world that isn't British/Austrian/Poland/Russian owned and we are in one big alliance.

So I've now got about 180 turns of nothing until 1799 :p
But they're my allies :p

We carved the map up between us. I own Americas/India and a little of North Africa/Italian states to secure victory, Poland owns Northern & Western Europe, Austria Sourhern and Eastern Europe with Turkey area then Russia holds their old heart land and Scandanavia. We've been in alliance for about 100 or more turns now. Would feel bad betraying them :p
Well my grand coalition is being picked apart, Russia the weakest of the bunch was kicked by Austria and Poland so far be it for me to miss an opportunity i steamed in and took two thirds of their territory whilst Poland/Austria land grabbed too. :p

Still 100 turns left, if they go for it I'm taking Austrias side as Poland is too near my front door!
To be fair I have around 1.5 million gold sitting unspent and I make about 100k a turn so I could probably field monster stacks and destroy them quickly, just being cautious as they can attack me on every front. All my veterans are accumulated in Russuan territory as well so my western and southern armies would be a bit weak.

I'll let them make the first move and steam in!
Well finished my campaign, my grand coalition fell apart but luckily Austria came down on my side instead of against. Brutal war with Poland lasting about 60-80 turns (15-20 years with the game mod) after initial quick gains in sure the computer was cheating as with about 15 territories in Central Europe/North Africa they were churning out mega stacks non stop. Eventually broke them when they actually snuck attack my army locking down France. 4.5k of them vs 1.2k of mine, I lost and my army was wiped out but I took out around 3.7k of them in the process, snatched 3 territories they diverted troops away from Italy to shore up and I took Italy and that was that. Final battle was in Algiers they had 6k against 10k of mine, monster battle :p I then declared war on Austria and crushed them swiftly.

Loved the game, will replay again at some point. Few minor frustrations I hate when you fight huge battles on the battle map (like the last battle in Algiers) and instead of all troops on the map it drip feeds them in when units die to keep overall numbers down. On old TW games everyone would be on the map at once :( I liked the 4 turn per year mod but found it slow at the end, I had 40 years with no enemies just clicking continue, was irritating :p

Great game though, never played through Shogun 2 so that's next!
I've just done 4 turns mod and finished a play through.

I found it too long to be honest, but then I found 2 turhs too short, I would give it a go as it lets you build up properly in addition if you aren't a "rusher" you can build a proper campaign.
Thread bump but not Empire now, Rome 2.


Am I being dim or is it hugely different to Shogun and Empire? Only played for a little while before packing in for the night but in a short while everyone was charging round with monster stacks straight away, I couldn't see anyone's armies (so attaching an apparently empty city and they suddenly have 2k troops) ships getting involved in land battles, general stats (authority/zeal/cunning) my towns all hating me for no discernible reason.

I guess I'll get used but can anyone offer some general advice because I was baffled :p
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