Employer changing contracts without notifying staff

31 Dec 2005
Is it the case that an employer does not need to consult staff if they want to change employee contracts? For example changing from not having any bank holidays(but increased annual leave) to implementing bank holidays again(corresponding reduction in annual leave)
The employer only needs to consult the trade union correct ? Even if many of the staff are not in the union (due to cost and union incompetence)

It seems rather disingenuous to consult with 'staff' via the union when many of the staff are not members.
They do need to consult you before making changes to your contract but the specifics will depend on what it says in the original contract i.e. collective agreement vs individual.

According to what I've been reading on t'internets they only need to consult the work union. (Through the union..Unison they are consulting staff)
Not sure how many are members of the union but according to ACAS website they don't need to consult individual employees..only the recognised work union.

I will try and find out how many are in the union.
^ union is Unison. Don't have a lot of faith in their abilities to help the workers. Not just me. Other union members have expressed dissatisfaction over how they communicate (or lack of). Just paying them money for nothing...

In any case its a shame not being in a union seems to adversely affect ones employee rights.
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