Employing your spouse (tax avoidance?)

18 Oct 2002
In the air with the balls
My eldest starts school in August and the wife's thinking of jacking in her part time job to be a full time mum, since our youngest will start school next year.

I'm in a partnership and was thinking, is it possible to get the Firm to employ my wife as let's say a part time clerical worker and pay her up to the personal allowance (almost £5,000) out of my drawings? That way she wouldn't pay tax and we would benefit from the tax and NI I would have paid on that money. I'll be speaking to the accountant next week but wondered if anyone here had any experience of it?
Thanks for your replies guys. Looks like it's within the law but I'm going to have to persuade my other 25 Partners that it's a good idea. No doubt it's come up before within our partnership so need to see what the outcome was previously.
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