Empty Boxes Appear On My Website

12 Mar 2011
Alicante, Es / Wales
Hi, I'm having an issue with one page on my website, I've uploaded news to the site today, everything was fine, boxes were not there in the top corner, I posted the likes to the new stories to the websites facebook page, everything fine, no boxes in the top corner either. This was afew hours ago, I've just gone back to the site now and there are 2 empty blank boxes in the top corner of the page, over the banner...

When I view the frame 1 info it says the identity of this website has not been verified.

When I view the frame 2 info of the box it says s-static.ak.facebook.com, the identity of this website has been verified by Akamai Subordinance CA 3.


My site http://www.basketballbritain.co.uk/news.html
any ideas how to remove it?
It's due to your Facebook Connect creating 'hidden' iframes. Off the top of my head i don't know of a properly solution that fixes it but doing a "display: none;" on the 'u3834' div should correct it.
Saying that, i suspect this is cms based so you'd need to modify the template.
Looks like the default borders for iframes.

So in your CSS, you'll need something like:

iframe { border: 0; }


#fb_xdm_frame_http { border: 0; }
#fb_xdm_frame_https {border: 0; }
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Looks like the default borders for iframes.

So in your CSS, you'll need something like:


Problem is the iframes prevent you from clicking the 'Rules of the Game' link. Better off just doing a 'display: none;' on the iframe IDs.
Saying that, i'm not 100% sure what the reason is for having the iframes but i don't think hiding them will be a problem.

richthomuk - The FB iframes are set to 'top: -10000px;' and due to the length/height of the page content, it's making the frames visible.
Problem is the iframes prevent you from clicking the 'Rules of the Game' link. Better off just doing a 'display: none;' on the iframe IDs.
Saying that, i'm not 100% sure what the reason is for having the iframes but i don't think hiding them will be a problem.

richthomuk - The FB iframes are set to 'top: -10000px;' and due to the length/height of the page content, it's making the frames visible.

Good spot - display:none; would be the best way :)
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