Emu0404 with Vista?

17 Apr 2003
hi guys

has anyone managed to get the emu 0404 working with vista? i can install the drivers fine but the patchmix DSP thing doesnt work, meaning i have no sound at all...:( im currently using a usb soundblaster thing and it just doesnt cut it :(

any help much appreciated
IFAIK the Hercules Game Theatre XP7.1 used that chipset. I have never tried the drivers as none were produced for Vista64. There were drivers for Vista32 on Hercules website. Might be worth a look?
right i have the latest card drivers and the latest patchmix DSP, but it still doesnt work, patchmic DSP cant find the soundcard so the result is basically no sound :( i might just have to put XP back on :(
I've got this card and i tried vista a few months ago, the beta drivers from EMU's website worked fine for me.

I ended up going back to XP simply because Vista isnt ready for serious gaming, i'll wait for SP2 and see what happens.

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