Emule Slows Down Internet Considerably

12 Feb 2006
I have had emule for a while now and always was getting a messege saying i have a lowID and that i need to correct this to get the better service or something, which at first i left as the downloades where at good speed but then they went terrible so i decided to fix it. I had to go to my servers address thinhg in IE and login and change the settings in the forwarding section to the correct settings (i beleive) which was to have the EXT.port set to 4662 To 4672, and i ticked the box for both protocol TCP and protocol UDP, and i put in what i beleived to be my IP address and enabled it.

Since then my mum has had a realy slow and laggy interent connection on her computer and she beleives its because of this change that it has happeend, as a year or so ago she had emule and had the same problems. for now i have just exited out of emule and i guess the slow internet must have stopped as i have had no more complaints from mum. Is there anyway i can still use emule and keep normal internt speeds?

Im using a Linksys if that helps.
Beansprout said:
How about "don't use filesharing"?

It'll be using your upload capacity which will kill your intarweb.

so what should i do about this? sjhould i just set the download limit to a much less capacity or something? How much less would be suitable. I still get full internt speeds though which is what i dont understand.
Emule is a pain.

At home my dad loves using it to download various crap like stupid screensavers, I despise it as it means my internet is considerably slower. In the end, I ended up installing Netlimiter on his machine and cutting the amount of bandwith it uses. Blocking it from the router didn't really help as it uses a god aweful number of ports.
addy_010 said:
Is there anyway i can still use emule and keep normal internt speeds?

In emule, set the upload limit to no more than 50% of your total upload bandwidth. And set a download limit which leaves plenty of headroom too.
Atari said:
Emule is a pain.

Any p2p program will use all the available bandwidth unless it is told otherwise; emule isn't unique in that regard. You don't need to use netlimiter as emule has its own bandwidth limiting options.
Use Netlimiter to restrict the upload - set the download speed as unlimited.

On my connection (2mb down/256kb upload) I set the upload speed to 10K. I usually find anything higher isn't beneficial.
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