Encoding Mp3

18 Oct 2002
I have just purchased an external hard drive and want to put all my music on there as a back up. The problem is I only have a shared macbook so can't rip directly into itunes - is there anyway to have music on an external hard drive that can the be used by itunes to transfer to an Ipod?


hold down option key when opening itunes.
You can then create or choose a library, stick on on your external drive and rip directly into it.

Have to remember to switch the library back but that could solve your problem.
Press down option key, then open itunes.
Create new library.
When you want to switch back to the previously library you repeat the first step and select an existing library.

Or you could buy an itunes Library manager like "Libra" or "Itunes Library Manager"

Or you could ditch Itunes :D
on a mac?

You could run it through darwine/crossover but i don't think the ipod functionality works.
Be better off with Foobar if you're using the above though no album art display.
Another decent media manager/player is Cog, been playing around with this one and it's quite nice. Similar to Play but no Album art either.
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