Encrypted Password Storage Solution

16 Aug 2012
Hey guys, the business I am currently working for retains all of their passwords in their heads and they're all very easy to break. What I would like to put in is a password retention solution, so they can use better passwords, but retain them in a database for reference if forgotten.

What would be the best solution?

Password protected/encrypted excel document in cold storage?

Password protected/encrypted excel in a sterile file location on a server?

Cloud based storage?

Also, what would be the most SECURE solution?

Cheers guys!
Not a software engineer or anything, but because this is open source, would it not be possible for black hats to reverse engineer the custom encryption process?
Knowing how something was encrypted doesn't give you the key that is required to decrypt it.

True, I don't even know why I asked the question really - Just wanted to be sure!

I'm building a database with Keypass now, seems like a good enough solution and it complies with PCI so we should be covered!
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