End Music: 100 Geatest War Films?

7 Jan 2004
Just a plea for help! Can anyone tell me what the music was at the end of 100 Greatest War Films which has just finished on Channel More 4? :)

I would really appreciate it, as I think it's brilliant! :)

Found it!

It's: In the House - In a Heartbeat by John Murphy, it's off the 28 Days Later Soundtrack and also off an advert a little while ago.

Didn't channel do that 50 movies to watch before you die, in which Apocalypse now was 1st place, yet it can't even win in it's own category....war?

And BoB is a TV series, not a movie so why would that be in it?
Longbow said:
And BoB is a TV series, not a movie so why would that be in it?

Because it was better written than most the "War Films" about. It actually followed historical events pretty well.

Longbow said:
Didn't channel do that 50 movies to watch before you die, in which Apocalypse now was 1st place, yet it can't even win in it's own category....war?
Maybe the ones that voted for the war films actually knew what they were talking about and so knew that Apoc. Now is simply an arty-farty waste of space and time?
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