End of the world (ish) scenario 99% mortality

17 Nov 2003
St Breward Cornwall
Reason for thread watching the war of the worlds series on disney + also i love the stand by Stephen King (captain trips 99% mortality)
So there is a cataclysmic event that causes 99 per cent of the worlds population to instantly drop dead, whats the best thing to do, head for (or stay in) the more populated areas with supermarkets to grab as much food as possible (but risk confrontation with others ie gangs may have formed) or the countryside where you can lay low but less supplies?
Maybe getting a weapon first, but then stay lone wolf or join others.
Was genuinely pomdering this situation, would a structured society be formed or anarchy prevail
Weapons, food/water, transport and make your way to the coast. Find a decent boat and bob about the oceans for a year or so to allow all the rotting corpses to get past the stinky bloater phase.
hmm, well I assume the first thing you'd do is to see if anybody who you know are alive or not including phoning, texting people but the networks may be down so you couldn't do that.

After that as you said you'd eventually need to source food and other persons become a potential threat so I guess you would think about arming yourself, maybe break in local fishing shop and grab a gun.

After that I guess you'd wander about trying to make contact with people and create communication hubs.

Who knows.
How would the vast majority survive without Google telling them what to do :p.

For me I would go to the nearest military base and get weapons and a 4x4 then head north and then go to some Island with a Ferry system and live out my days with my family.

After a few years once things have settled down I might take a tour of UK. Go into Buckingham Palace. Have sex on the London Eye. That sort of thing.
If 99% people died here it would be quite safe outside. Even in cities there'd only be a handful of people about. Just hope nobody has a gun, but then i doubt that they'd waste their bullets, and even if they did it's an easy way out. I suppose you could try and convince the people you did find if they're unfriendly that the zombies are coming, run. Quite believable if everyone just suddenly died.

I wonder how long the internet would work for before all the servers died. Luckily i'm one of the few who still has an A-Z :P
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Find the nearest analogue to a settlement and join it.

The Bronze Age empires imploding didn't stop people from restarting, don't see why it should stop us.
Grab some Anker solar chargers. They can charge up cat C devices e.g. phones and my Nintendo Switch.

Hearing aid batteries as they will eventually run out.

As much beer as I can find (before it goes out of date).

As much G&T I can find (gin doesn't go out of date).

A settlement that likes to game and party :-)
Surely why 99% of the worlds population suddenly died. Assuming that a human disease has killed them all of but that the food that currently exists in an edible form and the environment remains uncontaminated and there are no zombies/aliens/supersized spiders etc to worry about I actually don't think survival would be fairly easy on a material/physical level. I mean there'd be no shortage of food etc to tide you over until you could produce your own, no shortage of land upon which to obtain what you need. Obviously it would be a much more local, technology-less existence but I reckon it'd not as hard as you'd might imagine. The physiological affect of watching almost everyone die would be pretty horrific though and would probably lead to wanting to avoid most people - at least until you knew they weren't unhinged.

On the other hand a post nuclear war world, a zombie filled world etc would be a different kettle of fish. Resources would suddenly be an issue. Exactly how you deal that would likely depend on the 'threat' and the degree to which you needed those scarce resources.
I think very few people, farmers aside, have any inkling of the work in a machinery barren scenario, to make a subsistence living. Few in the UK these days would have the skills or stamina to tend and grow enough foodstuffs to survive through a year. Those in third world countries might actually fare better as it's something they are used to and understand. Would there be the means to keep food fresh?

I suppose one could follow that perpetual student forum member, a "prepper" whose name escapes me, and plunder one of his hidden stashes? ;)
a zombie filled world

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