Ender 3 most effective upgrades

29 Jul 2009
Recently picked up an Ender 3 v2 and spent some time doing small upgrades (springs, hot end fix) same getting things dialled in. Just wondering on what people's thoughts are on the next most impactful upgrades would be.

Thoughts are circling around:
  • BL-Touch
  • Direct drive extruder
  • New board to take advantage of linear advance
  • Upgraded hot end
  • Run out sensor
  • Noctua fans all around (love me some silence)
I know a few of these are more important when writing with different filaments which I'll definitely get around to eventually but just PLA for now.
Some good points, everything's going well so far so going to hold off on further upgrades until I start with flexibles.

I've flashed marlin already but unfortunately you can't get mesh leveling in the v2 as there is no menu for it. Apparently there is an older custom version of the bios someone made but I'd prefer something a little more up to date. Who knows I may even try to build a more up to date version that includes the bed leveling addition.

Still haven't gone for any marathon prints yet as paranoid about leaving it so long unattended. I believe there's an octoprint mod that can detect failed prints.
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