Ender 3 Pro or Ender 3 v2?

27 Nov 2003
I've done my best attempt at reading all the info on 3d printers for my first purchase and I could tell that the Ender 3 was highly recommended but then I came across the two versions and got a bit stuck.

I've also seen a few mods like BL Touch and Marlin firmware and a few other things... so I was looking for a good starting setup really (I've even looked on Ebay for secondhand units that have already been modded).

I'll probably be printing SM32 rail parts for a friend so nothing massive, and I'll keep it in an air-conditioned server room possibly, so it'll sit at 20 degrees all day long and won't move... a good or bad idea?

I'm leaning towards the Ender 3 v2, can someone guide me? :-)
Better off buying the ender 3 than the pro, but I would buy the V2 over the pro, but would still buy the ender 3, and mod it instead

So the Ender V1 is better than the V2?

I'm in the same boat and the Biqu B1 has just appeared on my Radar. Maybe worth looking at.

This looks like a pre-modded Ender clone, the SKR mainboard is one of mods I saw on a pre-owned Ender 3.

Complicated stuff this! It looks more V1 than V2 from the bed plate, though it does have a colour screen...

Definitely looks like a contender though. :-)
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