Endurance thread...

2 Nov 2004
Started a new training reigieme 3 weeks ago and must say that it is working out handsomely in most aspects...

The only problem I am having is that now I have increased the distances that I am running, and I find that my calf muscles hurt...

I need something that's good for endurance, like some sort of stretching reigieme (I already stretch, and that has helped) I also find that having a 'spacer day' with swimming helps...

What may not help is that I am adding weights and climbing in at random points. I don't really consider either of these to be too hard on the calf muscles, although in combination with the running they might be causing a problem...

Would creatine help?
Cutting caffience?
Drinking more water?
Any supplements?
Are you hydrating yourself properly? I sweat like a beast, when I was doing some serious running last year I had to drink a few litres a day to keep my urine clear..the benchmark of being well hydrated IMO.

Also, some may not agree with this but if you are running I wouldn't blast your legs doing weights as well. Certainly not things like standing calf raises and heavy squats.
thebrasso said:
Are you hydrating yourself properly? I sweat like a beast, when I was doing some serious running last year I had to drink a few litres a day to keep my urine clear..the benchmark of being well hydrated IMO.

I will increase water intake...

Also, some may not agree with this but if you are running I wouldn't blast your legs doing weights as well. Certainly not things like standing calf raises and heavy squats.

I'm not so sure. As long as muscles aren't completely knackered in one kind of training, I'm sure it would be okay to work them hard in a second kind of training - especially if you aren't excercising the same muscles directly
Can you explain your running routine - and also what you were doing before you started this new regime?

Calf probs due to running are normally down to overtraining (too much too soon) or incorrect shoes.
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This is almost exactly my current problem too. I've recently been having serious issues with a tight (right) calf after increasing my endurance running to approximately cleanblueskys levels.

Despite a good stretching regime, i almost always have to pull up about 80-90% into my run to stretch my calf again, occasionally having to walk the remainder.

I'm going to try taking on more water as mentioned.

There are a couple of possible causes in my case.

A combination of my height and the large amount i have to drive in my job means my leg is often at an odd angle under strain. This has actually caused me to overpronate slightly on my right foot.

I'm a sprinter and my training also includes two weights sessions and two track sessions per week. While i don't think the sessions themselves are contributing to the problem, it means i am conditioned for a different running style. I think i have to put too much concious thought into my running technique and i tense muscles that should be more relaxed.

This is probably not much use, but i would like to know if you find a solution.
My plan...

1) Increase waters massively
2) Run only for 30 minutes without pushing myself, slowly increase this in 5 minute incremements until I reach 60 minutes...
3) Diet overhaul

Lets see if that works
I just been for a run which I thought was 10 miles, worked out on Google earth that I actually got lost and it was actually 7 miles, a bit gutted because it seemed like 12. Must have been the heavy wind and snow that had that effect!
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