Enermax CS-718 case - what you think i shoudl do to it ?

22 Sep 2005
just recieved my Enermax case. its the version with the full pannels... no meshed pannels etc

i dont want to cut any holes in it as its going to be a high end air cooling case so not really much to gander at inside.

ive thougth of 3 paint schemes i can go for. but first of all im gonna choose the general colour. those of you weho have seen my previous work will knwo where this ones going ;)

1: Green - black theme
2: Red - black theme
3: Blue - black theme

it will be murals painted in greyscale coated over wiith one of the above colours.
the casse comes standard with blue fans etc. which may be easier :P
few votes for red then.

i can do orange too. that woukld look SWEET ! orange is harder to do though because its basically red... so its a fine ballance gede of orange. but by no means impossible :P

gt_junkie said:
Don't want you to give anything away until you start posting pics but what are the murals gonna look like?


scary !
[/ghost impression]

lol i might just make it up as i go along., copy a few sketches out my sketch books etc.

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