Enermax CS-718 *Pics* :P

29 Aug 2005
Reppin' up North London
Took delivery of a CS-718 on Wednesday from Enermax. Just finished snapping up photos, and writing the review.

Here are some shots of it.




Most of the fans were added due to hot weather which made no difference :(

All the pics are available here.

Nice case but there are still somethings badly designed. There is a lack of airflow around the top of the case and the only real extraction fan is the PSU if you use the windtunnel. Wouldnt fit over my cooler though.

You need to tidy your cables.

It is a ok case, but a little bit on the pricey side for what it is, especially with what it competes with it really does lose out.

Any chance of the temps without having to read the review?
Yewen said:
You need to tidy your cables.

It is a ok case, but a little bit on the pricey side for what it is, especially with what it competes with it really does lose out.

Any chance of the temps without having to read the review?

Yeah I know about the cables :o , Need to revamp it armed with cable ties.
Just been getting it sorted.

The temps in this weather, ambient of 30C in the loft are.
CPU- 46
NB - 50
Case - 45

Im still trying to get my MBM5 working properly here.

Also about tidy wires. Youll see they placed the fan controller in the most ridiculous place ever. On the bottom of the case in the center :confused:
Wires going everywhere, but most are tangled and there is a lot I can do.

I have a VERY minor couple of issues with your review;

1. You carry advertising for Enermax products so how can I tell you are not influenced in any way by that?

2. You're not showing that case off to it's best advantage with those beige drives. I think it might look very different with black drives.

Other than that, good effort, but I don't think I'll be adding that case to my test list, it's definitely a gaming case with all those blue LEDs.
Asuming PC in sig, that is quite toasty really.

I disagree with showing the case of to the best advantage, I like the whole idea of just chucking any old rig into the case, like what most people in real life would do.

It is just good to see pictures of the case with beige drives, probably only ones on the net!
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WJA96 said:
I have a VERY minor couple of issues with your review;

1. You carry advertising for Enermax products so how can I tell you are not influenced in any way by that? Meh, they asked me to use a banner somewhere on the site.

2. You're not showing that case off to it's best advantage with those beige drives. I think it might look very different with black drives. I dont have any at the moment. Will be updating the pictures as soon as I get my Digi cam back and Ill try and sort out a black drive.

Other than that, good effort, but I don't think I'll be adding that case to my test list, it's definitely a gaming case with all those blue LEDs. Yeah I agree lol, but the guy said its mostly for the case modding scene and advised me to show it off like that. So I did. The cooling on it isnt impressive.
Yewen said:
Asuming PC in sig, that is quite toasty really.
I actually may of got them mixed up, sorry.
Here is a screeny of Speedfan from earlier.

It was ranging up to 30-35C in the loft.

Since this I have moved the hard drive and now its under or around 40C.

Yewen said:
Anychance of taking your readings not with the motherboard, as they can be woefully inacurate?
Yeah I may do, I have an attachment for my Multimeter somewhere. The probes about 4mm thick though :(

Ill do that though.


Just took that.
Thats what it's been like after moving stuff about like the HDD.

Yeah its the same in Guardian and ntune and speedfan.
Remember the CPU is inbetween two 12cm fans.

Mikey1280 said:
But you cant cool your cpu lower than the case temp as it uses the same air

Aye I know.
The reported system remp is one of the power regulators.

That resualt is definately power I can tell you that much.

I've got one of these sitting in it's box in the loft as tbh I was not impressed at all, may be relegating it to server duty or off-loading it on some unsuspecting victim (i.e. my brother)

It's as heavy as my stacker empty, I'm not all that convinced about the cooling benefits from the "wind tunnel".

Don't get me wrong it looks pretty (which is why I bought it), but IMO has too many drawbacks
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