Engine / Fuel Experts - Could too high a RON damage an engine?

OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
HI there

Something I have been thinking about as other owners of Mustangs have different views so I'd thought I would ask the educated car people here on the OcUK forums.

The engine in my car is a 4.6l engine, 3 valve (F.F.S.), 8 cylinders, fuel injection, catalyst, 5 speed manual. Currently running at approx 330BHP and 340lb/ft based on US fuel.

Saleen recommend using premium fuel with an Octane no lower than 91octane (I think this is US rating which is equivalent to UK 95 RON, somebody may wish to correct me).

My first question is that 91octance equivalent to our 95 RON?

Secondly would runnin Optimax in such an engine offer improvements to performance and engine reliability? I do believe the cars ECU is capable of automatically retarding of advancing the timing based on the fuel grade.......

So is running on Optimax a good or bad idea?

I ask because if the engine is designed to run on lower RON then is there any point of giving it Optimax in such a kind of engine? As higher RON fuels are slower burning and my question could this possibly cause the engine to choke up over time?

Unlike most JAP/Euro cars that have engines in higher state of tune that recommend higher RON fuels the engine in my Mustang is a big V8 that is no quite so heavily tuned.

Now I understand if I say added a supercharger that Optimax would no doubt be a good idea. But do the experts think I should keep giving her Optimax or just use regular unleaded instead, is it possible for my engine to benefit possibly from Optimax?

Anyway sorry to go on and thanks in advance.

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