Enhancing my PC to a Gaming PC

24 Apr 2014
Hello guys,
I have thought on been thinking for a while to buy a new gaming PC but it's going to cost me a bomb at least around £1,000 to £1,200..

So thought instead of buying a new gaming system why not just upgrade my current PC.
Now the problem is can my PC be upgraded? All I know it has screws on the back of the case so wondering it could be modified for new specs?

Here are my current specs
Operating System: Windows 8.1
Processor: AMD A10-6700 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics
Installed memory: 6.00GB
System Type: 64-bit Operating System, 64x-based processor
Graphics Card: Nvidea GeForce GT 620

Note: So yeah my current PC needs a big upgrade..

I would need a good motherboard which can handle the processor, graphics card etc. Willing to spend around £800 if not a little more will this give me a good enough gaming system to play games on High/ultra graphic settings with around 60 FPS?

This is my current Acer PC tower - http://www.acer.co.uk/ac/en/GB/content/model/DT.SR5EK.003
It will need a lot of things doing, new case, motherboard and so on..
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