Entitlement what can we do about it.

30 Nov 2005
There seems to be a vein running through society where hipeople believe they are owed something, house, job, high wages, cars, gadgets, holiday's.

Have we as a society had it good for so long we now expect life to be easy, constantly looking at bs tick tick lives and expecting the same?

We have had some graduates come into work, their work ethic is poor and they don't won't to do the manual but important aspect of the job where they would learn the most about how it works. Counter to this we had some come through another route has have worked as contractors then into the role and the difference in attitude is massive.

Is it just the UK with this problem are other western nations have this issue? Eastern Europeans don't seen to have this problem but, it's probably because they have not been living as easy as us.

Note. This is not all graduates but more of a reflection on society as a whole.

Making money writing about Lego? I would say he needs to put the toys away and grow up.
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When hiring a degree isn't an indicator that they would be suitable, I am more interested in work experience or volunteering they have done.
Out of touch boomer who probably bought his house for 9 months wages back in the 80s can't understand why the younger generation is sick of the ridiculous house prices, the cost of renting, **** salaries and out of touch boomers telling them if they stopped buying that McDonalds once a week they'd be able to afford 3 houses and a trip to Disney every year.

I'm all for higher wages for all, but you do understand that drives inflation, which drives house prices.
The chip on the shoulder must be annoying.
I find it hilarious that a lot of these grad roles including in stem and other fields result in you having 40-50k+ Debt and then you ******* boomers call them entitled for expecting a grad salary that is atleast in line with that.

The time invested via uni etc for these grad roles needs to be reflected in the salary.

The vast majority of the idiots who call our generations entitled had to pay **** all to go to university.
You don't need to go to university, it was a big con to lower unemployment figures the vast majority of degrees are useless and devalues them. Some are with having but there are a lot at just honestly not be worth it

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Going to university benefits our society in many ways, research, medicine, technology, transfer of Knowledge etc.. the cost should be shared by the population. Everyone should have the opportunity, to go (if they have the ability). Those that do go to university end up paying more taxes in the long run, enough to cover the costs of university education.

The argument can be applied to many areas of our society, why should I pay more taxes if I do not use the services?
Totally agree, just get rid of the mickey mouse degrees and fund via taxation the genuinely gifted to maximise their potential. Apprenticeships and other training for those not going to university, these would typically be funded by companies via grants etc
Again, my genius amigo, I'll explain in simple terms.

Employers encounter many people looking for jobs because a single position has many applicants.

Employees encounter few employers because they tend to apply for fewer jobs than the number of applicants for those jobs.

Ergo an employer is more likely to encounter those with unrealistic expectations.

Sorry, some of those words were bigger than I'd hoped for, I hope you managed.
An employer will see a lot more candidates than someone applying for positions I world have thought.
I agree.

I would say it is the calling of the basic right to your own life but without humans adding concequences to people, just that it seems the world is deeply entangled in blame and other kinds of rifts.

Humans are the only true enemy to other humans.
It's ok though as racism is only recognised one way.
40 years ago it was pretty basic.

Roof, food, water, electric, outside toilet.

No Central heating.
TV 3 channels
Frozen food was a novelty

Not much else to spend your wages on.
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