Entity Relationship Diagrams (Library Example)

1 Dec 2004
Im trying to get my head around this, iv been pondering on this for a while now and not 100% sure if im on the right track.

Given the library system example with books and the loaning of these books, a customer can lend a book from a library, a library may contain several copies of the same book, but does this look right?


1)One customer can have many loans
2)Many Loans may feature 1 book
3)One Book may have many copies
4) One copy may have many reservations

Thing i have a problem with is the many loans may feature one book? also number 3, the book does not have many copies?
Ahh yeah thats better, i see the principal of it all now, ill stick it all in access and link up the key fields and see what i get.

Cheers :)
So to sum up

One customer can have many loans
Many Loans can contain one copy
One copy can contain many books
One Book can contain many reservations

Just tried plonking that in access and i still have an outstanding one-to-one relationship that i cannot make up.

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