[Entries] Camera Phone Competition

18 Oct 2002
This is the entries thread for the camera phone competition.

- Camera phones only
- Must give make and model info (might not mean that much to a lot of us, but it's interesting)
- 640x480 max resolution
- NO theme
- Photo can be taken at any time < this is a RULE CHANGE
- End date is 30th September 2006
- NO image editing, photo MUST be straight from camera phone
- NO macro
- 1 colour solid borders allowed
- An image MUST be put in your entry posts, placeholders will result in disqualification
- These rules may slightly change as this is the first go at a competition like this

- Everyone who entered can vote
- Each person selects their top 3, the overall top 3 are then chosen from this
- You cannot select yourself
- Therefore the competition is just judged on the persons impression of the photo

How to post your entry


For example:

Title: MacBook
Make: Sony Ericsson
Model: k800i
Date: 23rd August 2006
Other: Example

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Title: FBS at V
Make: Samsung
Model: P730
Date: Last Saturday :|

haven't got any space on the mmc and nothing interesting coming up so no point now :(

delete post please :/
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Details in Exif
Resized in PS

Title: Feeling Wet, Wet, Wet...
Make: SE
Model: K750i
Date: 8 June 2005
Other: Tidal Wave at Thorpe park
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Well here goes!

(This image hasn't been enhanced, only resized to 640x480)


Title: Funktastic Plastic
Make: Sony Ericsson
Model: W810i
Date: 24 August 2006
Other: Spotted this when taking a walk up Calton Hill in Edinburgh. It is an arrangement of illuminated household bottles suspended vertically, really cool

Title: View from Slieve Donard, Newcastle, Northern Ireland.
Make: Samsung
Model: E900
Date: 27/08/06
Other: This was taken at the top of the Slieve Donard mountain in NI, 2,500 feet up, it was extremely windy and cold and I don't like heights so my hands were shaking like mad!
Updated entry.


Title: Canary Wharf
Make: T-Mobile (HTC)
Model: MDA Vario II (Hermes)
Date: 19/09/2006
Other: Shot on the way home!
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Title: My thinking spot.
Make: Samsung
Model: Im unsure what the phone model is but the Camera is a 1.3 megapixel
Date: Anzac day 2006 Sunrise :)
Other:This is my thinking spot, It is completely unedited from the phone apart from the resize. The photo is Special to me because it was taken on Anzac day and that morning watching that sunset put every thing into perspective for me when i was at a bad time in my life
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Title: Clipstone Colliery
Make: Sony Ericsson
Model: k750i
Date: 3rd June 2006
Other: Taken from my daily cycle through Sherwood Forest

Title: After The Rain
Make: Samsung
Model: D500
Date: 20/09/05
Other: It had been pouring with rain and then the sun broke through. The light, shadows and reflections made for an atmospheric shot.
I've got a full colour version as well.
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Exif Should be Embeded.
If Not:
SE W800i (R1AA008)
1/2500 sec.
29/08/2006 14:31

Only Edit: Resample to 640x480

Exif embedded. Resized to 640*480. Other than that it's "as is". Not winning any competitions with this, just thought I'd join in :)

Make: Nokia
Model: 6630
Date: 26/05/05
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Had to resize down to 640x480 from 1632x1224 in Photoshop, no other editing. Original for comparison is here

Make: Sony Ericsson
Model: w810i
Date: 03/08/2006
ISO: 80
Shutter: 1/1000
Aperture: f2.8
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Title: Ducks
Make: Sony Erricson
Model: k750i
Date: 01/07/2005
Other: nothing

One of the first pics I took with the phone last year and still one of my favourites. Just the ducks at work.

Title: Chatsworth, Derbyshire
Make: Sony Erricson
Model: k750i
Date: 23/07/2006
Other: Somehow my friend managed to kick a football into this building, it's hollow inside bar a few random nettles. The windows have bars on them yet one bar was 'just' wide enough to get a ball though. Here's another friend attempting to retreive said ball. I mainly like the sky effect :).

Imageshack stripped the Exif, so here it is:

Camera Make: Sony Ericsson
Camera Model: K750i
Image Date: 2006:07:23 20:12:22
Flash Used: No
Exposure Time: 0.0013 s (1/800)
Aperture: f/2.8
ISO equiv: 100
White Balance: Auto
Metering Mode: Center Weight
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