Environmental Analysis Inside House?

Man of Honour
21 Feb 2006
Has anyone undertaken such an assessment within their home or provide any advice in this area?

I have bad asthma (side effect of an underlying immune disorder...no, not that one) and it does seem worse when I am in the house, which I am a lot as I work from home.

I want to get a full analysis undertaken of my house internals for irritants and wondered if anyone can shed light on this or has experience of working with environmental companies?
Although I don't suffer from Asthma I do or used to get sneezing fit's -- I finally nailed it down to the wife using fabric softener on sheets as it happened as soon as I got into bed and also on some other clothes which sometimes we hang on indoor dryer in my computer room.

I also told the wife to do a double rinse on sheets and no softner - it seems to have worked - Can't help on the environmental side though. - Good luck and hope you find whatever it is creating your problem.
I've had various tests for allergies but they show nothing. I sense we have an issue in the house, maybe dust mites or something else, so want to establish if this is the case or remove it from my investigations.
No help here but one of my friends gets this whenever he comes back to the UK and stays at his parents house, he says he just generally feels like crap there, almost like a cold. Their house is very dusty so he thinks there's something in the dust that he reacts too but hasn't been able to pin point it any more than that.

A woman at work has also been diagnosed with asthma and she thinks her office here isn't helping as it's an internal room with pretty much zero air flow, she feels much better when she moves near a window or even in to the open plan office. We've given her a laptop now so she can work wherever she needs in hope that it'll help her.
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