Episode 1, how rude

7 Aug 2004
Apparently its around 5 hours of game play, rubbish ! I just did it in a total time of around 2 hours tops, feeling ripped off now, $23/£~12 for that is cr*p, episode 2 best be litterally 5 hours of game play or ill cry :mad: :p :eek:
nah didnt rush through it, took time, saw everything, swear it was around 2 hours, poss more, but didnt feel like much, great game, if they could bring them out quicker than every 6 months I wouldnt mind so much

What game can I play now ? im stuck, PGR3 i guess on the ol xbox,lol, hummm
NathanE said:
Mine stutters worse than HL2. I honestly can't believe they still haven't fixed the stuttering issue. What a waste of money :mad:

Its a really odd occurance, iv got a top notch pc, if i boot it from cold and play HL2 and/or ep1, it stutters really bad after 10mins of smooth gameplay, then when i reboot (switch off at wall and switch back on again) its plays forever and a day no problems, really odd, as i cold boot twice,specs are:

2GB Ram
1900XTX 512mb
DFI expert NF4
raptor drives
X-FI music
XP MCE2005
All latest drivers + software

See I told ya it was odd !
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