EPQ Project

14 Jun 2010
Hello all,

I have to come up with a project idea for my Extended Project Qualification as part of my A Levels. I want to do it in the form of a project as well as a 1000 word report. However I am entirely stuck for ideas.

I mainly program in Python, however I know C/C++ and Visual Basic. I also have experience with third party libraries (Such as OpenGL). Python is my strongest language and so I would prefer to use that. I have an interest in networking, graphic programming and low level programming (Assemblers and virtual machines).

Any ideas people have for a project would be greatly appreciated. I need to submit my title in the form of a question.

Cheers. :)
Some kind of network traffic monitoring/graphing app? First thing I thought of that could cover all your interests :)

That sounds like a cool idea, I think it would be nice to have it as a command line tool. The EPQ focuses quite heavily on research and I think that there is a lot to do with that idea- cheers. :)
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