Erol Alkan

23 Oct 2002
Ok so i've seen his name mentioned a fair few times on here before (*cough* "andy" *cough*) alongside many complimentary words. So tell me guys what should i expect if i were to see him? What genre, style, crowd? etc etc

My ex went to see him, and she is very into electro house. Make of that what you will :p

I would also quite like to go see him, is he gigging in the UK soon?
He's at V this year apparently.

I'm no good with genres but electro house sounds about right.

Saw him at Glasto and he was excellent, the guy loved it too and didn't want to leave. They almost had to drag him off. Check out his 'glam' remix of Franz Ferdinands song 'Do you want to'. Takes an age to get going (3mins) but when it gets going it sounds awesome. Definitely something to show off your amp/speakers.
a lot of noise, a lot of looping,a lot of bass, a lot of noise, a lot of alternative stuff.
the crowd will be a mixed bunch, first time i went to see him he wasn't a massive name so there were just the hardcore fans. second time there was a lot of indie kids who were way out of there league and didn't understand that he plays the dirtiest electro instead of the remixed indie stuff they hoped for.

took my friend to see him for his first ever club night (well non cheese one anyway). he loved it and is now coming to creamfields with me to see erol again.
Mmm dirty electro :cool: He is really good, seen him a couple of times, but you're usually into your trance aren't you? So dunno...
weird really , if you see him as "beyond the wizards sleeve" or at his own club night durr ( formerly trash ) then hell be playing indie rock and electro indie stuff :/

as erol alkan its usually pure electro "noise" ( like :D ) but he does play quote a few of "crowdpleasers"

then sometimes he just drops in a complete random track yet somehow gets everyone to love it :confused: like rage against the machine - killing in the name off :eek:

best thing to do would be to download a few of his podcasts or even just look at the track listings

dont know anyone whos been to see him and hasnt enjoyed it though....

one of the only djs ive seen entire crowds and club fulls chant his name at the end of his set too
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andy said:
one of the only djs ive seen entire crowds and club fulls chant his name at the end of his set too

Last time i was out there was a fair whack of chanting for AVB at the start , middle and end.

i aint seen him though , not my sort of music lol

i suppose the people going to his "gigs" ( AVB ) are mostly fans too ? or know what to expect ?

at nights ive seen erol its mostly been people who had no idea what to expect or had only heard of him because they seen someone form the klaxons wearing an e.r.o.l tee shirt etc

think youd be too into trance to like it really though

hes just a whole lot better then the other people who play the sort of music he plays really

been around for years , should be more well known but is one of those types who just doesnt want to be "famous" even though he is pretty famous now
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Erol's playing in Manchester this november as part of The Warehouse Project. Friday 23rd November, not seen him myself personally (until tommorow when i go Global) but my mates swear by him. Can't wait till Warehouse kicks off again in Manchester, some awesome nights announced.
Yes The Warehouse Project does indeed rock, hard :cool:

Went to about 5 last year and to Beneth the Streets the other month :D

Looking forward to this years, Annie Mac, 20 Years Since Acid House and of course Radio Soulwax amoungst others :cool:
aye erol is playing on the "annie mac presents night"

might have to go !

hes on again up here at newcastle before that though so probly go there
hooray to the return of the warehouse project, looking at the 2many dj's, erol and vitalic nights.
was at 2manydj's on new years day and they played a decent set but hats off to Laurent Garnier who played a 6hour set.
was gutted i missed the gig below piccadilly, was travelling at the time but everyone said it was good.
-=BAF=-AXE said:
Dont think he is my cup of tea tbh :)

your going very housey Grrrr


Not at all, there is a just a lack of trance going on in Sheffield at the minute! Listen to me have a mix this eve and i'll show you what i'm listening to at the mo :cool:

The reason i asked about erol is this i need to blow off a little steam and trying to find the best way to do that this weekend.

Thanks for all the comments guys
id go , especially if you can get a 6 quid advance ticket

dunno what the crowd would be like mind , apart from having a great time , seems a weird mixture unles its all going on in different rooms etc ?

id like to guarantee you a good time with erol but i know how much you lot love your trance :p

switch (dave taylor) for me this weekend i think , our shoddy town has really done itself proud this month :D
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andy said:
id like to guarantee you a good time with erol but i know how much you lot love your trance :p

To be honest i'm more a fan of electronic music with trance being my favourite. I certainly love my psy, prog, techno and house etc
hmm well only thing you might not like is he plays a few what you would call "party tracks" , i do mean only a few though

and always manages to play them at a time people still go wild just because of how random it is

just expect a mixture of anything and everything really

up here going to a commercial as hell night would cost us 6 quid though so id definetly go if theres not much else on
Gotta love random Erol tunes. First time I saw him was in late December - he played 'Last Christmas' at the end of his set. Next time I saw him (in Edinburgh) he played a few Daft Punk tunes - brilliant!
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