Error - 775 - The call was blocked by the remote computer.

18 Oct 2002
"Sunny" Plymouth
Been called in to look at a machine for a friend, he's had a go at it, installed SP2, run autopatcher, got everything up to date, but it still won't go online.

I set up a basic dialup account to wanadoo, and before i even hear it dial i flashes up this connection error

775 The call was blocked by the remote computer.

I tried their old external modem from their old machine, which gives the same message.

They don't have call waiting or message services, etc, and i've got no idea what else to try. :(

Umm, help?
Enfield said:
1. Make sure the correct number is being diale.d Yup, number is fine if i dial from a handset
2. Make sure the number is not experiencing an outage. As above
3. Make sure user is not out of time for the day, etc, if this applies to the ISP. PAYG account
4. Try disabling call waiting if the location has call waiting. No call waiting
5. Does the number you are dialing from have voice mail? No voicemail

I googled that page too ;)

It doesn't even dial out. :(

God i hate dialup!
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