ESO worth a punt for a fiver?

24 Oct 2005
North East
Saw the deal for Elder scrolls online for a fiver at cdkeys. Whats the game like, can you play on ur own, is there any grind or more like the single player games? Whats it like if you have one or two friends, can u co-op in missions ok and out of missions? I mean i know its a online mmo but what kinda mmo. I did try the beta before it was out it wasnt great i thought especially controls wise.

Hope you can do missions alone and avoid seeing anyone else as in players all over.

Basically i hoped if i and a mate bought it for a fiver each it be like we could play skyrim co-op style. :) But maybe it wont be like that.
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Yeah it's good, customization is great too. 1 style for each race for each armor with an insanely huuuuuuuuuge selection of dyes (a lot ore locked from achievement style challenges)

My Nightblade looks like Reptile from MK :cool:
Nah Unlimited was what they called it when it went b2p.

Purchased. I am a huge fan of TES lore, but never much cared for the MMO approach. For a 5er, I'll buy this and consider it a single player game with muppets running around.

Definitely worth it for a fiver as it's a Buy To Play game, so you won't get whacked with micro transactions or locked out of core features like can happen with Free To Play games. You don't need a subscription to play and not having a subscription doesn't restrict gameplay in any significant way - a sub mostly offers DLC access, xp and gold bonuses and a few other perks such as crafting bags.

Be aware that you're only getting the base game for a fiver and that to access the DLC zones you either need to be a subscriber or purchase the DLC outright (approx a tenner per DLC). But none of the DLC zones are compulsory content, you can reach the endgame without any DLC. And you don't need any DLC to participate in the main PvP campaign (Cyrodiil).

Is it a true MMO? In some ways yes, in others no. It does have a grind attached, but only if you want to be competitive in the endgame PVE or PvP. But it's perfectly possible to play it solo (or duo) and just enjoy the quests if that's more your thing. The spartan UI and general lack of standard MMO features (like an auction house) does take some getting used to. But there's lots of useful addons which improve things.

So for a fiver you can't really go wrong.
Was thinking of getting it for brother he has a e8200 cpu 4gb ddr2 and a 460 gfx card. Would he be able to run it ok?

Everything down to the low yes.

Yes the game worth even the £25 of the B2P let alone £5. Is huge. It will take out around 1200 hours to do all the quests on all alliances, all dungeons, and try to gather stuff for crafting.
And that's the base game only, without Cyrodil factored in nor the DLCs
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URGH, pay to win it seems. Have to pay monthly to get good stuff.

Eh? No is not pay to win. With the sub you get 10% more xp, crowns and access to the dlcs.
Which you can always obtain separetly.

No restrictons on the base game, neither loot etc.
Seems to be 38gb. Presumably more to add

12% downloaded, 18gb to go....somethings not quite right there.....

My partner and I were laughing at the same thing yesterday! 20GB into a 40GB download... 8%... Sureeeeee

I've left it running whilst at work.
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