Essentials for a biking weekend

3 Jan 2005
I am going on my very first biking weekend away planning on riding from South Wales to the Isle of White, camping for a day or two and then heading home.

Anyone make any recommendations on gear. I obviously have all the basics but any tips on stuff to take and how to prevent chaffing :)
Take several spare bungee cords/luggage straps in case stuff starts shifting around.

I put clear self adhesive vinyl on all the paintwork that bungees/straps contact to prevent damage. Duct tape can be used provided you take it off immediately after the trip, otherwise the adhesive dries out and welds itself to the paint. Just stuffing a rag underneath straps can still cause paint damage if the rag itself moves around.

A puncture repair kit that includes CO2 cartridges to inflate the tyre is a good idea.

If you are taking waterproofs then pack them so you can get them out of the luggage quickly without having to take everything off.

Put all your spare clothes and anything vulnerable to moisture inside bin liners, unless you know your luggage is 100% water tight. Bring a few extra bin liners to pack up rubbish you generate at the campsite.
A plastic 'puck' thing to place under your side stand foot to avoid the thing sinking into the ground!

As said, plenty of bungee straps, and associated paintwork protection. I used to use one of those rubbery non-slip grippy lattice-looking sheets. No idea where I got it. Rain forest maybe.

Last time I went to Snowdonia intending to camp I girled out at the last minute and ended up checking in at that hotel below Snowdon car park :D. Nice place actually!
Don't forget some comfy clothes for the evening. I once went away for a week with no shoes - motorcycle boots aren't so comfy 14 hours a day!

As above, take plenty of plastic bags and wipes
Hah good point! I wore out quite a bit of grip from a set of bike boots after going up a mountain in them :D
Well I got back from a weekend away in the Isle of Wight

Was a good trip had a bit of a battery issue, one of the connections got a but corroded bit nothing sandpaper didn't cure.

A few shots of the bikes

Mine (Smallest of them all)


Few beauty shots


5 of us all together: Vstrom, gs1200, CBF1000, Triumph Tiger, and my er-6n
Camping on bikes is a lot of fun if the weather holds up. I rode up to Pembrey with a couple of friends for one of the classic bike race weekends last year and camped in the paddock and had a blast.
hornett, what tent did you use? I'm after a tent for camping reasons (state the bleeding obvious why don't I) and want one that'll fit on the back set somfortbaly.
hornett, what tent did you use? I'm after a tent for camping reasons (state the bleeding obvious why don't I) and want one that'll fit on the back set somfortbaly.

I'll try and find the model but it was only a 2man one from the gos (not sure if I can say the name)

They don't do it anymore though
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