ESXi 5.1 - Unable to add or remove Networking

26 Apr 2012
Trying to make some networking changes within my home ESXi box but getting the following when I try to create a new network or remove an existing one (vSwitch1):

"Call "HostNetworkSystem.UpdateNetworkConfig" for object "networkSystem" on ESXi "" failed."


I've restarted the box without any VMs set to start automatically and get the same error. As you can see from the image vSwitch1 has no VM's assigned to it. I've also checked each VM I have installed and there are no references to this vSwitch. Strange thing is I can edit the WAN network without any errors and I'm assuming the LAN one will also be fine but as it's configured for the VM's and management I don't want to start mucking about with it.

I think I can get by for the moment with the two assigned networks as I'm going to be setting up PfSense and I think that's all I need. However I don't want to setup and configure a few more VMs if I'm going to have to do a reinstall down the line because of this. That and I'd like to get rid of vSwitch1 as it's not doing anything.

Totally lost as I'm no expert in ESXi so any assistance from the experts would be greatly appreciated :)
Have you tried command line to remove?

~ # esxcli network vswitch standard remove -v vSwitch1
Have you tried command line to remove?

~ # esxcli network vswitch standard remove -v vSwitch1

As easy as that :o! Cheers Lanz. Never thought to use the command line. Ran without an issue and removed the vSwitch. I can now create and delete vSwitches within vSphere client without the error.

Many thanks :)
I didn't expect it to work, but it's stupid things like this that make you pay thousands a year in maintenance to vmware so you can have some guy from Ireland remote in and fix it for you ;)
I didn't expect it to work, but it's stupid things like this that make you pay thousands a year in maintenance to vmware so you can have some guy from Ireland remote in and fix it for you ;)

But as least VM tech support guys have a real good sense of humour.
I hate using "vi" editor, i know i should learn it but its just a pain.
During a support call i asked about using emacs, bloke at VM said "oh its installed, just type emacs <filename>"
Divvy here tried it, got an error.
Bloke at VMware laughed and said "oh what a pity, you'll have to use vi" ******* git!! :mad:
heh i was just googling this issue and vmware kb seems to be down. this thread was the next hit and fixed the issue on my lab.

(vi is awesome)
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