ESXI and PFSense help

4 Nov 2003
Hi, I have been trying out PFSense on my server as a VM within ESXI. I have an intel gigabit dual NIC and have configured each NIC to a virtual switch and added two network adapters to the VM.
I have the system booting and the WAN is configured, being able to ping google etc. The second virtual switch shows its connected and displays the speed of the connection and that it is connected to both the VM and NIC but I cant get PFSense to work as a DHCP server, even when its just plugged straight into a laptop.

I have run through setting up the IP and configuring the system as a DHCP server allocating a LAN ip a few times but its still the same. There must be something within the settings of the virtual switch that stopping it but I don't know what. I've tried the VLAN id as 4095 as well.

Anyone got any ideas?
Found the solution. It was because I was configuring the Lan as a VLAN once i reset it and said no to VLAN its all working fine and I can log in remotely.
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