ESXI experts - opinion 10GB network copy speed 90MB/s

17 Jul 2008
enterprise class storage
HP G8s blades
testing in out prod and preproduction (so unused) environments gives the same results

inter vm (windows 2008 r2) on the same host gives me a copy speed of 90MB/s with a CPU usage of pushing 100% (on 1 core) - VMs are on the same virtual switch

we have the vmnet3 drivers installed

any thoughts do other people get the same sort of results?
Check the power management in the BIOS as mentioned, I had a real issue with a particular VM running MS SQL that was dog slow, turned out to be power management.

Check MTU sizes.

Could be CPU related as there is no TCP offload in VM's so more reliant on CPU, throw another vcpu at it and see if that helps.

90MB/s sounds like something is configured at 1GB/s - Make sure none of the NICs have negotiated at 1000mb/s

Jumbo frames get me 200 - 250 MBS copy speed but our physical switches don't have that so it only helps vm to vm on the same host (so not configurable)

CPU seems to be able to max out 1 and only 1 core - dual / quad makes no difference - I was amazed to see 100% core usage! (xeon e5-2660 v4)

We built the G9s with the latest HP esxi 6 ISO..

ok someone has a point I've just spotted one of our environments can easily break the 1GB speed barrier, I think we have something to fix here!

Good to see people confirming way over 1GB speeds (lanz I see pushing those speeds in one of our environments)

Thanks for the replies ill pick up this "anomaly"
When you say ent class storage what is it? Are we talking EVA/3PAR? How many disks? What config on the disks? How is it connected? So many questions. I can do a quick throughput test on a very similar environment:

DL380 G7 Hosts
HP 6300EVA FC 10GB Dual Controllers
Also using vmxnet3.

Ill give it a go now see what we got.

Edit: Im seeing speeds in the 100's of MB/s on small files. I did start a bigger file and was seeing speeds approaching the gb/s between datastores.

VMAX with £100k+ of SSDs + 100TBish of HDDs
8GB fibre connections
VMNet3 HP BL460 G8's

I think I have the important information which is - I should be seeing much better than 1GB speeds
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