Esxi WAN/LAN setup on a single nic.

9 Sep 2010
Hey guys,

Wondering if anyone has any experience in setting up esxi5 to use one single port nic to act as a front end WAN (with a pfsense vm on this network) and then have a LAN network internally where the other vms will reside, including the management host?

I can technically set up 2 vswitches, and had the network card connected to the WAN network, however in pfsense I didn't seem to have an option of adding the lan interface, maybe I never did make it right? Also moving the management host to the lan just cuts my connection to the server (i had to experience this first hand...).

Any ideas how it's done, or if you know of a specific tutorial link, I could only find brief info on doing this setup on a single port nic, or is it the case that I actually require a dual port nic or another nic?

Thanks for any help you can throw my way!
Say I opt not to use pfsense as a front end security, how would I secure my network host from being accessed from the "outside" world, a second nic with only the network host on it, and just directly plug that into say my desktop to be managed from here?

I think my problem is I do not have a managed switch to create the vlans.
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