ETA for Rev. B Unibody MacBook Pro's?

20 May 2004
Any rumors that anyone is aware of? Perhaps to coincide with the launch of Snow Leopard... whenever that is!
Would it be too optimistic to hope for Q1 2009?

While the bump in the graphics department is very nice, I would like to see slightly more powerful CPU's. Hopefully OpenCL will deliver noticable performance increases too.
I think would be optimistic, although Intel is launching 35W Quad processors in January 2009.

I would think more likely to be iMac/mini? refresh though.

I figure possibly late march or more likely october 2009.
If there is a quad MBP in jan 2009 that might tempt me away from a Mac Pro.

However I HATE gloss with a passion, display port sucks and the one sided port thing is just annoying :(

Like the changeable HD tho..
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