Poll: Eu referendum prediction thread (poll please)

Which way will you vote and who do you think will win?

  • I am voting leave and i think leave will win

    Votes: 163 28.9%
  • I am voting leave but i think remain will win

    Votes: 166 29.4%
  • I am voting remain and i think remain will win

    Votes: 133 23.6%
  • I am voting remain but i think leave will win.

    Votes: 102 18.1%

  • Total voters
30 Jun 2007
I thought this might be an interesting poll, what do you support and what do you think the outcome will be?

1. I am voting leave and i think leave will win
2. I am voting leave but i think remain will win

3. I am voting remain and i think remain will win
4. I am voting remain but i think leave will win.

I think it will be interesting to gauge the confidence of each side.

If a mod would add a poll please ^_^
It's not the fear of change it's economic reality.

Exactly the same for the Scottish referendum, people wanted independence but when it came down to it the reality of many years in economic turmoil made people choose the right option.

It's a no brainer that if you don't want an economic recession you vote remain.

BTW you forgot option 5 & 6

Cannot vote as immorally disenfranchised as not in the UK for 15 years. :mad: despite it directly affecting my job and rights to stay in my host country. :mad:

Making a desicion affecting decades based on just the next few years isn't sensible.

Otherwise no one would ever choose to study.
Voting remain but genuinely worried Leave might sneak it.

I did consider voting leave on the basis that the economic and political chaos that would result might give Labour a better chance of being elected and getting Prime Minister Corbyn. Ironically if we had left the EU then it would be easier for Corbyn to push a much more left wing agenda and re-nationalise a lot of industries, promote better laws, restrictions of companies and banks etc.

But ultimately I decided that the kind of suffering it would inflict on the poorest and most vulnerable wasn't worth it.

But corbyn wants to stay in
After we leave the EU, what do leave supporters think Britain will be like? Genuine question.

Pretty much the same, slightly more agile when it comes to trade and diplomatic negotiations though as it doesnt have 26 other countries it has to agree with.
The vote is literally between the status quo, and leave. You might believe that staying in is a path to further integration, but that's not what this vote is about.

Well not at all.

Would you say the EU is where it was 20 years ago?

Why do you think it eill be the sma rin the next 20?
Corbyn despises the EU, but now he's leader he can't say that.

He voted against the single market in the 1975 referendum, and this shows his views up until he become leader.

Why can't he plenty of others have.

But then i suppose that makes him a spinless and worthless leader.

If he despises something thinks its terrible for the country but suports it because if he doesnt he may lose his leadership role that kinda classifies him as utterly unfit for leadership
If you'd used that argument here with regards to Scottish independence you'd have been ridiculed.

The UK has the veto and doesn't need to down the deeper integration path.

Also who said this is a once in a lifetime decision?

If in 20 years several European countries gave up their parliaments (never going to happen btw.) there would be nothing to stop the UK voting again.
Well the scotish were gambling on oil returns which we know for a fact arent a dafe long term investment.

They were going for the exact oposite of my argument.

Using a few years of positives to justify being ****ed long term

But even then theyd have been ****ed ahort term given what happened with oil prices.
Norway still pays something like 80% of the amount we pay (per head) for the privilege of being able to trade with EU and they still have to implement the majority of the same laws to retain that status. The chief difference being that they have no say in EU decisions and lack the same level of behind the scenes contacts for business.


How much does sputh korea pay for its tarrif free trade with the EU
So assuming Brexit happens, what happens to all those Brits who live and work in Europe? Won't they need passports? I suspect they will also end up paying extra property taxes and other taxes.

They'd have needed passports anyway

The uk isn't in the schengan zone.
We would still be a part of the UN, Nato, the World Trade Organisation, and be subject to many treaties and agreements with member states, but would no longer have the same power to affect change.

well actually if we leave we'll have a seat at the WTO.

We don't have one at the moment.

So we'll have more power to enact change there
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