EUE on project 2414

2 Dec 2005
Project: 2414 (Run 212, Clone 14, Gen 0)

Got an early unit end earlier on a 2414, 600 pointer :( .

Some lines from the log:

[16:23:48] Quit 101 - Fatal error: NaN detected: (ener[13])
[16:23:48] Simulation instability has been encountered. The run has entered a
[16:23:48] state from which no further progress can be made.
[16:23:48] This may be the correct result of the simulation, however if you
[16:23:48] often see other project units terminating early like this
[16:23:48] too, you may wish to check the stability of your computer (issues
[16:23:48] such as high temperature, overclocking, etc.).
[16:23:48] Going to send back what have done.
[16:23:48] logfile size: 84268
[16:23:48] - Writing 84831 bytes of core data to disk...
[16:23:48] ... Done.
[16:23:48] Folding@home Core Shutdown: EARLY_UNIT_END
[16:23:52] CoreStatus = 72 (114)

I know the machine is stable. Its more than 24 hours prime stable, and it's never eued on these settings before. The current wu is chugging along fine (another 153 pointer :mad: ). Anyone else had a 24xx eue? Is this to do with the wu or my machine?

Soon after writing that I got a bsod, good old "IRQ Less than or Equal" one. That, and the eue code made me think there's a ram issue. Increased the voltage on these poor value sticks and ran memtest for 14 passes with no errors. It may be that the volts have sorted it, or it could be the memory controller on the cpu causing the problems.

If it does it again I'll back off on the oc some.

Opty 148, dfi expert, 2x 512mb Kingston value ram :o
261*11, 2871 MHz, 1.55V
2-3-3-5, 1T, 191.4 MHz

(Yeah, underclocked the ram to 191 mhz to get latency 2 outta it)
rich99million said:
NaN errors can usually be avoided by slackening off the RAM timings
or using good ram
I stopped using value or generic ram when I realised just how much better even the most basic crutial etc where.
Thanks for the replies boys. Yeah, I need to get some better ram, it was the thing I skimped on when I built this machine and haven't got around to replacing yet. Does look a bit silly doesn't it - £160 dfi expert with some cheapo kingston value ram :o .

As long as it's stable in the mean time I'll leave things as they are. 14 passes of memtest+ are pretty good I think.
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