European Breakdown Cover

22 Apr 2009
Hello all!

We are going to be driving to and around France for a week soon but dont have Euro breakdown cover.

Are all the companies pretty much alike in Europe anybody stand out more than the others?

I have noticed that with it being France on some of the motorways you have to use the motorway recovery to a point and pay them rather than your own cover is that pretty much right?
Hello all!

We are going to be driving to and around France for a week soon but dont have Euro breakdown cover.

Are all the companies pretty much alike in Europe anybody stand out more than the others?

I have noticed that with it being France on some of the motorways you have to use the motorway recovery to a point and pay them rather than your own cover is that pretty much right?
Might have been better in the travel thread
I have noticed that with it being France on some of the motorways you have to use the motorway recovery to a point and pay them rather than your own cover is that pretty much right?
I have the impression they all refund the large autoroute recovery fees, but my AA don't seem to say this explicitly versus green flag I clocked

EUROPEAN MOTORWAYSAND AUTOROUTESIf you break down on a motorway or majorpublic highway in certain parts of Europe,the emergency telephone number may beanswered by the police. For example, inFrance you will need to call 112 and reportthe incident to the French Police. They willthen send a local recovery vehicle out to you.Very few of these recovery agents havea link with UK motoring organisations.If this is the case, you may need to pay for thecost of assistance on the spot. Take a creditcard or debit card with you when you travel.Keep all receipts and you will be reimbursedfor recovery and roadside repairs but not spareparts. If the repair is made in a garage, the costisn’t covered, and you are responsible for thewhole cost of the repair.When you have been recovered from amotorway to a place of safety, please get intouch with Green Flag.
I have never had breakdown cover as always had friends with trailers/trucks to collect me if needed. But I have moved out of London and started looking this week.

I found that if I upgrade my nationwide bank account to the premium pay monthly for £13 a month, I get breakdown cover in the UK and Europe, and also mobile phone insurance.

Worth looking into whether your bank offers this.

Getting quotes from breakdown cover just for the UK was about the same, if not more monthly, I'd imagine Euro would be quite a bit more!
Yes the Halifax deal always looks attractive - I'm paying Santander £4 p/m for ba., and you are getting essential eu travel health insurance too (although I get that bit with lloyds too)
As above, I used to take out separate EU breakdown cover for my EU trips but I now have a Nationwide Flex Plus account that includes UK and EU AA breakdown cover.
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